2004-2005 Yearbook

Moments that Matter ENJOYING AFEW MOMENTS TOGETHER, sophomores Jana Monholland andTasha Turney catch up with eachotheron the front lawn Sept. 3. "I like bei ngout in nature;'Turney said.!'I!'s nice to be able togo right outside my dorm to the front lawn and enjoy the outdoors." ,c. ROBERSON CLOSING - 324 WALKING ON THE FiElD, juniors Tank Daniels, Adam Lybrand, Scon Dutile and senior Grant Taylor, captains of the football team, unile as Ihey meel Wesl Georgia players for the coin lOSS Sept. 11. "We vote on captains allhe beginning of Ihe year, and irs nice 10 be chosen 10 go oul in front and represenllhe reSI of Ihem;' DUlile said. ·A. BEENE