2004-2005 Yearbook

Petit Jean 2005 editorial s t a ff staff writers LAURENCANDY - editor-in-chief MEGHAN MICHAElSON - copy editor RENEE LEWIS- layout editor AMY BEENE - head photographer LAURA BROWN - sludent life editor EMILYADAMS - people editor LENA HENDRIX- leadership editor CHRI STINABOILS- academics editor CAIREYTAI - organizations editor LAUREN TI SH - organizations editor CYNTHIA NOAH- social clubs editor JAMIE HIGGINS - athleticseditor RUSSELL KECK- assistant photographer ASHLEY INGRAM - assistant photographer ph 0 t 0 credits Daniel Cherry Monte Cox Shawn Daggett Butch Garner Casey Hanson Jeffrey Hopper Daniel H udgeons Rachel Hudgens Mike James Jeff Montgomery Chelsea Roberson Abby Rodenbeck colophon Maranda Abercrombie Michael Allen Matt Blansett Lisa Blount Jeon Bonzagni Bonnie Bowles Bridget Clark Stacey Condolora Erin Cook Sarah Crist Drew Fralick ChrisGuin Amy Ireland Laura Kaiser Ashley Kellum Rebecca King Alisa Moloney Steven Profaizer Daniel Ramberger Jadyn Roberts Stefanie Shea Andrea Steele Brandon Sublette Barkley Terry DeAnn Thomas Jessie Thompson Bethany Venkatesan Aaron Miller Kelli Ohrenberger Callie Owen Dena Power The 2005 Petit leall yearbook of Harding University, Volume 81, NMoments that Matter, N was printed by Jostens Prinling and Publishing of Topeka, Kan., and was produced on Macintosh computers using Adobe InDesign. Jostens Yeartech and Photoshop. COVER: The cover is a True Life lithograph in material number 595. Process color 317 and Metallic Silver 871 were used. A linear grain and gloss lamination were applied. ENOSHEETS: The endsheets were printed on Snow White 280, flooded in Process Type C. THEME: The tneme was conceived of by Lauren Candy, editor-in-chief, with the assistance of Jim Miner, adviser, and Renee Lewis, assistant to the director of student publications. COLOR: 31 pages were printed in four-color pl"OCt!SS. Color pages were UV coated. TYl'(X;RAPHY: Opening and closing headlines were set in Myriad Pro Bemibold Condensed; division pages in Myriad Pro Sernibold Condensed and Zapfino. Student Life headlines. in Helvetica Neue; People headlines in Zapfino, Myriad Pro Semibold Condensed and Myriad Pro Black condensed; Leadership headlines in Myriad Pro; Academics headlines in Myriad Pro Bold Condensed, Myriad Pro Condensed and Myriad Pro Black Condensed; Organizations headlines in Zapfino, Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold, and Adobe CasIon Pro regular; Social Clubs headlines in Myriad Pro; and Athletics headlines in Myriad Pro Bold Condensed and Myriad Pro Condensed. All captions were set in 10 point ¥yriad Pro Semibold condensed and Myriad Pro light condensed. All body copy was set in 9 point Book Antiqua. All folio lines were set in 12 point Myriad Pro Condensed and Wmgdings 3. PHarcx:;RAPHY: All photographs weI'\' taken by Amy Beene, assisted by RussetJ Keck and Ashley Ingram.. unless otherwise noted. Several athletic photographs were taken by Chelsea Roberson. Several group shots were taken by Jeff Montgomery. All photographs were taken on digital cameras and were balanced in Photoshop. The portraits in the People section were taken by Holland Studios of Memphis, Tenn. Most faculty porlTaits were taken by Jeff Montgomery. DESIGN: The entire book was designed by Renee Lewis, layout editor and assistant to the director of student publications, with assistance from Jeff Hunter, design consultant, and Lauren Candy, editorin-chief. The cover was designed and prepared as artwork by Jeff Hunter. Endshcets were prepared as artwork by Renee Lewis. APPRECIATION: 1lle 2005 Petit Jean staff is thankful for the many people who helped make the publication a success. Thank you to Renee Lewis for your unyielding dedicatioo throughout the year. Her patience and instructioo is deeply appreciated. Thank you to Jostens: Natasha Durham, local representative, Judy Huffaker, in-plant consultant, and Carol Stelljes, artist. Thank you to the Bison staff for help in photography, editing and writing. Thanks 10 Sara Miller for her hospitality and patience. Thanks to Jim Miller for his leader.>hip and patience. The Petit Jean offICe is located on the second floor of tne Harmnon Student Cenler in room 211. Any correspondence can be sent to the Petit Jean, Harding University Box 10812,. Searcy AR n 149- !XXll. The office phone number is (501) 279-4139. Students who are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours both semesters have paid sufficient general fees to cover the $30 for the yearrook. Depending on their enrollment status (or the year, others are charged futl of half price. The Pelit !em! is a member of the Arkansas College Media Association, the Columbia ScholllSlic Press Association and Ihe Associated Collegiate Press Hall of Fame. INDEX - 322 Jana Beth (Gr<lduate). 1041)A Hub Rd, Hensley, All 72065. Wortey Afldrew R(Senior), 350 Hilham Hwy. Livingston, TN 38570,214 BradleyT (Seolor), 201 Fairview Rd. Searcy, AR 72143 WO" "n Margaret A (Freshman), 1301 WTownley Ave, Phoenlx,AZ 85021, 12S. Wot1h"m Ste phanie (Senior), 25624 Hwy 10, RoIafld, AR 72135,63,254. Worthey Jerry (Junior),214. w_, Stephen P (Senior), Scottsdale, AZ 85255, 77,249. Wren Amy M (Graduate), 5116 Tates Mill Rd., Cabot, AR 72023WrIght Amanda E(Sophomore), 26011 Oakridge Forest Ln, Spring, TX 77386,97, 173. Audrey (Graduate),3 Broadmoor Drive, Texarkana, AR 71854. Casey (Senior). 49 Falconer Ave., 8rockton, MA 023015830. ~ Jeremy K(SophomOfe), 25 lh Allen Ridge Rd, Wheeling, WV 26003. Jotvl F.(5eriorj, 1701 JoAan Ridge Rd, Chm<v1oogiI. TN 37421-332, 63, 239. Juliet A. (Graduate), 203 Lyndallane, Bentonville, AR 72712. LaffY James (Staff), 616 E. Woodruff, Searcy, AR 72143. Matthew 0 (Sophomore), 201 Lazy Ln, Hot Springs, AR 71913. Michael Jeffrey (Freshman), 805 Glenavon Court. Nashville, TN 37220,125, 249,250. Natalie (J unior), 315 Red Bud Cir, Bullard, TX 75757-964. Nathan (Senior). P.O. Box 1342, Lamesa, TX 79331-134, 63, 218, 239. Phyttiss R (Staff), 533 Yankee Rd, Judsonia, All 72081. Rebekah (Senior). Sara (Seniorl, St. James. MO, 63, 248. Stacey N (Junior), 809 Crestline Dr., Mexia, TX 76667-8007,97. Steven Lee (Senior), 118 Western Hills Dr, Searcy, AR 72143. w"" Angle Kaye (Senior). RRI Box 3547, Sidney, MT 59270,239. Ellen M (Junior)" Honotuh..l, HI 96818,63, 77,231. Jon Mark (5Iaff), 7 Harding Dr, Se"rcy, AR 72143. .loshua M (Senior), 7 Harding ~ Searcy, All 72143,77,231. wu Angla.2Ol,202. Pei-Yin (~), No 39 Alley 12 Zender lane. Tatchung County, 97 Wy.m James M (Senior), 325 PR 1230, Waskom, TX ~:2kah (5eolor), 325 PR 1230, Waskom, T ./ 75692,63,217. Wy" Ashley (Post B.:Kcalaureate). 7731 ClubLake DrIYe. Houston,1)( 77Q9S..262.. Rocky L(Staff), 101 S. Cone Street. Searcy, AR 72143.161. - Kimberly Darlene (Graduate), 2004 N. 9 112 St. Paragould, AR 72450. WyIdo VirgInia M (Freshman), 606 Nevada 5t, Beebe, AR 72012. W)<,. Tonnle Marie (Graduate), 159 Hwy 319 E. Vilonia, AR 72173. W)<'10 Camtle C (Graduate), 308 SE 4th, England, AR ,,-..,..... Safah linsey (Senior). Travis W (Seniorj. Wyo" KathyH. (Staff), 26lndian Tr<li~ Searcy.A11 72143. Logan Mitchell (f~hman), 26 Indian Tr<llt Searcy, AR 72145. Wyo"' Crlnen Lou ise (Graduate), 1908 N Hughes, Wttle Rock. AR 72207. I Xhani Blerina (Senior), 21431 PARK WlLLOW,Katy,l)( 77450. ' ..... Eisa) (Staff). 504 EWOOdruff Ave, Searcy,AR 72143. Elisa Marie (Freshmanl, 50. E Woodruff,Searcy,A11 72143. Taunya M. (Staff), 50. E. WOOdruff, Searcy, AR 72143,161. ,,~ Sandra J (Staff), 1316 EMarket Apt 2, Searcy, AR 72143. Yancey Tammy Lynn (Graduate), P.O. BOK 88, Jasper, AR 72641. "M. mue (Pos! Ba<:calaureate), 10929 Elizabeth 51, Denver, CO 802333. ' .......h Jordan (Senior), P.O. Box 595, Calko Rock. AR 72519-059,77, 210,238. Sharon M ~l, P.O. Box 595, Calico Rock, AR 72519, 125,201. , .... Gray (Junior), 16 Woodland Dr, Rome, GA. 30161,276. Janice D (Sophomore), Ramona Yates. Memphis, TN 38104, 125, 243. MorganA (Sophomore), 502 MortonAve, Nashv1lle, TN 37211-2329. YH_oy FlavU Ray (Faculty), 120 lambert Clr, Searcy, AR 72143,I S7. ,...., AIi50n (Serior).P08all062..~CO 81402.. ~- Jon David (faculty), 2391(j..1{@Ac;resRd,Searcy, AR 72143,IS7. ... Adam (JuniorJ,3691 OzzieF1JIksRd_WNteHouse. TN 37188-520. Yost Bradley M (Sophomore), 5766 ......-t1lppoorwill Way, Carmet IN 46033. "'""' Adam Christopher (Sophomore), lOS Avonc:ron Ct. Apex. He 27502-8483. Akia Marie(GraWate), 1695 W. Ridgeway Dr_ NiKa, MO 65714-797, 127. I>ebofah Jane (Graduate). 1701 S. McKinney lid.. Sherril~ AR 72152.. EricG (5ophomore). 574 'Mse Feny Rd.lexingtoo. SC 29072.. Kacey lynn (ffeshman), 410 Scurry Lane. Tuscola, 1)( 79562. Karen A (Graduate), 123 Fleldcrest, Searty, AR 72143. laRon (Sophomore), 271. Natalie (Graduate), 5414 Mildred Sf. Kentwood. MI 49508,127. Staten 0 (Freshman). 19550 N Grayhawk Dr 1140, Scottsdale,AZ 85255,201. Steve 0 (SIaff), 123 Fleldcresl, Searcy,AR 72143. "'"- Erin A (freshman), PO Box 95, Mount f'1ea\ant. AR 72561,125,243. Sar.!Il(SEriJrj,9838Iicj1FU"1Ck, Shrevepolt.LA 71106,245. ,~" Tzu.Hslen (freshmanl, 3fl No 5, AlIey9,Taipei. l.1chilry Matthew 0 (Sophomore). 2754 Che<ketts t::lrive,Sar.dy Hoot<. VA ., ~~42. Jac:qu.etyn Susann (Graduate), 99 Crystal Ct. Cifde.. Heber Springs. AR 72543. ""'"' Andrea (Senior). I 525 Twin Manor Dr, Loganville, GA 30052. 222. 223. ZOh .... Kristen A (Freshman), 1210 Ahon Dr, (hampal9n, IL 61B21, 125. 201. lo,. . HectOf I (Senior), PO 80~ 588, Cabo Rojo. 00623, 285. lon, Ji Hong (Graduate). HU 80~ 13127, Searcy, AR 72149. ,."... Josetyn (Senloo"l, 302 '2ToIvca, Estado de, 63, 231,233. -....... Rachel (5enior], 504 Columbia Ave. WittiamstOWl\ WV 26187. - Bethany (Senior), 8161 Pinebough Ave. Mobile, Al36695. linn Dorothy (Senior), 13282 HIghway 8 W, Amity, AR 71921-959. Z..-. Geneva (Seniofl, 1220 Ell Ln. lawrencevltte, GA 30045,63. Laura L (Freshman), 1220 En lane, Lawrenceville, GA 3004S,246. lukoski Nathaniel A (Sophomore), 6196 Selkirk Road, Madison.OH 44057. "' ..... Arlene (5ef'lior), Cot-Sutrafco, Cantlquo Une Te,