2004-2005 Yearbook

~WOMEN'S BASKETBALL DRIBBLING PAST HER OPPONENT, sophomore guam Ashley Dixon looks for an opportunity to score dunng the Jan. 20 game again~ (hnstian Brothers University at Rhodes F~ld House. The lDdy Bisons fdl short 58-73, marking their ~ghth loss of the season. ·R.KECK TRAINING The Lady Bisons practiced two to three hou~ aday, and lifted weights twice a week. Team members had one day off a week during the season. OFF THE COURT The team spent together during the week at devotionals. They also I"rticil"ted in scrimmages, dinne~, movie nights and camping. SCOREBOARD ARKANSASBAPnST W 107-38 lYON l 49-65 MIDWESTERN STATE W 76-71 TEXAS WOMAN'S l 49-72 NORTH ALABAMA W 59-57 ALABAMA HUNTSVillE W 79-74 lYON l 80-61 ST. EDWARD'S W 7!)-54 NORTH ALABAMA W 65-@ ALABAMA HUNTSVillE W 67-54 NORTHWEST MISSOURI STATE l 52-85 SIU EDWARDSVillE l 61-69 DElTA STATE W 52-37 ARKANSAS MONTICElLO l 65-78 SOUTHERN ARKANSAS W 64-62 CENTRAL ARKANSAS l 73-83 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS l 58-73 OUAOtITABAPnST l 53-64 ARKANSAS TECH l 4!)-61 HENDERSON STATE l 73-102 DElTA STATE l 56-66 ARKANSAS MONTICELLO W 76-71 SOUTHERN ARKANSAS l 61-75 CENTRAL ARKANSAS l 64-92 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS l 47-65 OUACHITA BAPTIST W 63-54 ARKANSAS TECH l 44-61 HENDERSON STATE l 73-91 ATHLETICS - 286 CATCHING THE BALL, freshmanpost Jacque Fredenda ll sets up toshoot abasket dUri ng the Dec. 9game against North Alabama at Rhodes Field House. fredendall helped the Lady Bisons dominate with a70-54 victory. ·R. KECK SENIOR POST JAIME SIMPKINS PUSHES doser to the basket during the Dec 4home game against St. Edwards. Simpkins made 5of7 shots, which gave Ihe Lady Bisons 11 points towa rdthei rvictory.•(. ROBERSON THE LADY BISON TEAM Row 1: B. Bailey, B. Hobbs, A. Dixon, KTucker, L. Broadwater, B. GI_, A. Rnney, A. Tackett, K. Bailey. Row 2: B. francis, L. Robens, M. freeman, L Hanson, J. Simp~ns, D. Dickson, C. Simpson, J. fredendall, J. McCullough, J. Pearson, E. Shipp, S. Burks .• J_ MONTGOMERY