SCOREBOARD SOUTHWEST BAPTIST MISSOURI SOUTHERN WEST GEORGIA VALDOSTA STATE NORTH ALABAMA HENDERSON STATE CENTRAL ARKANSAS ARKANSAS-MONTICEllO DElTA STATE ARKANSAS TECH OUACHITA BAPTIST W 17-10 W 32-27 W 28-21 l 19-32 W 3()-27 W 44-20 l 2()-28 l 28-37 l 14-48 l 14-17 W 2()-17 TRAINING LOOKING FOR AHOLE, junior running back DeJua nPanon helps defeat Southwest Baptist Aug. 28.The Bisons defeated Southwest 17-10 inthe fi rst game of the season. ·A. BEENE Al l players conditioned three to four days aweek for an hour and ahalf. The players focused on different parts of the body to build strength and stamina. OFF THE FIELD Devotionals were apart of the team's preparation for games.Afterapre-game meal, one player led a devotional before the team played. .- TURNING THE OPPONENT ON HIS HEAD. senior linebacker Joe Dacushelps makea tacklein the game agai nst West GeorgiaSept 11 . Dacus contributed tothe Bisons' 6-S winn ing seasonwith43 tackles.• c. ROBERSON JUMPING ON THE OPPONENT, sophomore defensive tackle Justin Curne, freshma ndefensive backRo cky Hall and senior linebacker Izzy Fiello tackle aDelta State player at the Homecom ing game Oct 21 Delta State ha nded Hardi ngits fourth loss of the season, beating the Bisons 48-14. ·J. MONTGOMERY 277 - FOOTBALL