liTHE WHOLE PURPOSE OF INDUCTION WEEK IS TO TRYTO GETTHE GROUP TO WORK AS ONE:' II I IDANIEL CACERES, SOPHOMORE SOPHOMORE SHANE SMITH, a Kn igh~ Inductee, or sqUire, lousts with fellow squire freshman Michael Wri<jht at the annual KnighB Joust Nov. 11. KnighB held ajousting tournament for theirsqu ires where the sq uires competed against each other with "lances" covered in slw<ng cream. 'A. INGRAM GffilNG CLOSE IN THE EGG-SPOON GAME, freshman Luke Sm""r, TItans inductee, tnes to pass an egg to fresh man len nifer Snell, Zeta Rho inductee, usingaspoon duringthe TIta ns-Zeta Rho Sill yGames Nov.9. Inductees from both clubs partKlpated in wheelbarrow races, an egg toss and aballoon-popping contest ,A. BUNE Ko10 Kai. Row 1: M. Scon. J.l.owrey, A. Swindle, M. Holley, S,Mitchel l, B. James, L Smim, M. Summitt flow 2: B. Ray, E. uamblelt M. Stewart L. Troner, A. J.Jmison, C. Roberts, J. Roy. Row 3: I( All95burger, K. Stewart, M. Blyant.l. Candy, J. Beckett, S.Wa rd, R. &Jrke, LGilbert K. Vihite. Row 4: 1 Rosebffiy, A. Thompson, l. Chamt>ers, J. Osburn, C. Fow lt'l', A. White, B.kksoo Row 5: A. Thomas, I( Bruff, E. DIl9an, URoper, I\. Walker, M. Gamffi, l (rav.tfool, R. Candy. Row6:lCoot.,I, Murlirf, S. Retd, S Smith,1. Chapple, I( v.uoo. K. 'Mner. L Weman, M. Plunk. A. Wallace, K. Walls. SOCIAL CLUBS- 2S0 FRESHMAN LEAH WOODS,Tn Kappa ind udee, takes abreak fro mcoll ecting Signatures fo rher Induction book Nov. 9. Tri Kappa members required their indlJ(tees.trariitional~ called gophers, to car~ a paper key fur the week. ,I. BEENE OEGE. Row 1: A,Stratton, S. Ringold, l Aldridge. Row 2: B, Ch.lffin, K. Sattef~d. E. Wells