2004-2005 Yearbook

JUNIOR MATT SUMMITT, abeau for Ko 10 Kai, tries to takeashot Oct 25 at the Student AssoCiation-sponsored beau basketball tournament whileseniors Chris Casey and Neal Heir, beaux for Delta Gamma Rho, guard him. Beaux from 12 women'sclubs competed inthe tou rnam ent, and the beaux for Delta Gamma Rho won. ·R. KECK "EVERYONE SAID THAT THEY HAD NEVER SEEN ME SMILETHAT BIG BEFORE:' JUNIOR ERIN (OOK, aTitans queen, along withsophomore Gerren Hobby, a Titans member, greets potential inductees at the men's large club open house Sept. 2. "The other queens and I tryand recru it for the club;' Cooksa id."We are considered members." >A. BEENE I I I lOAN PHILLIPS, SENIOR DEMONSTRATING THEIR ClUB PRIDE, sophomore Kim Toliver, junior Lau ra Taylor. sophomore Alecia Warren and junior Lorie Owen, queensfo rChi Sigma Alpha, present the banner they made for the members Oct. 26. Beaux and queens often hung banners in support ofthe clubs'they represented. ·R. KECK King's Men. Row 1: S,laFlgstoo, M. Il'een, ( Ma rtinez. M. Rolen . Row 2 A. ~ht, 1. Ardrey. L. Light J. Freese, K Kemp. Row 3: N. Thomas,l McCrain, J. Shepherd. TGoertzen. Row 4: C. Reill'l"S, C. Vendett i, C. Taliaferro, J.lMrgan, 1. Hewan, M. legg. A. MJrtinez, J McGIawn (SJXlO'OI) . Row 5: J. Hunter, D. &-Mey, J. Gann,]. Mills, R. [)ales,Row 6: A. Hutchirl5oo, 1. ~. 0. Aifi.rwa, R. Gardner, A.Tocker, K. (yr, C. McDooald. Row 7:IlJloeOOer, J. 0Jvid'iOO, P. McGrilVl, D, Hunt 1. Cooley, T.l.ooJ T. Sudbury. Z. Crow. Knights. Row 1: J. GO'Ier, N. Reece,). Tonksfey, M. Pruitt. K Ca~. K. Friza'lI, J. Brown, E, Ross, P. fIilmpey. S. Snow. Row 2: S. VIWtry, A. iN€Mf, L. Hollimon, II. Rozzell. N.ltlffmann, D. Main prize, P.Wheeler, S. kksoo, S,Smith. Row 3: K. P€ny. M.Wright A fla il, T. Bradfool, CEl100. K. Lance, D. Robertsoo, S, Massengill, I. Peters. Row 4: K. ~, 1. Barnes, C. MUler, P. Scott. 1. Manley. M. flar/e'f. O. Counts, K. K~_ Row 5: M.Fooville, C. 0J<J!.j, s. Boehrig. B. H~ins, R. Ayers. B.l1oward, C. Sessions. Raw6: J. WaltefS, J. Hollis, R. DemenL B. Burcham, G. Rl/S~ I,). GerOC>r. Raw 7: A. Caldwell P. BuITO'NS, T. Carter, T. Eslinger, J. Fyffe, C. Cootrough, N, Green,1. Lauterbad1 Raw 8: Z. Cheat~m, M. Pruitt, D. Sh.JekelflXd, D. Bateman, B. Lamb, J, Theis, A. AndeJ:.on. 249 - QUEENS/BEAUX