2004-2005 Yearbook

NON-TRADITIONAL CLUB MEMBER SERVES AS BEAU With his last year as a student rolling into view, senior Dan Phillips' dreams of being a member of a social club finally came true-sort of. Phillips attempted to j<Din'irS(): cial club both his freshman and sophomore years, but did not make it. At the end of last year, he finally became a member of a club, not as an inductee, but as a beau for the women of Kappa Gamma Epsilon. "I tried one club my freshman year and I was really bummed. [I] hied a different club my sophomore year and was bummed again," Phillips said. "My friends always said they were going to beau me one day, and though I didn't really think it would ever happen, I always thought it would be really cool." Senior Alison Brown, a Kappa Gamma Epsilon member, was friends with Phillips. "I nominated Dan this year because he knew so many of the girls from functions, and 1knew he was the type of guy our club was looking for," Brown said, "Dan is so spiritually focused and is such an encouragement to everyone." After voting to make Phillips a ,~=~'fj\~~,~~g a Monday night n the next task forf,." cillb '''.5 to make sure Philbeauing was a surprise. "We decided to beau him on the track because that's where he and I always met to run at night anyway," Brown said, "The problem was, I just couldn't think of any way to get him out there," When Phillips received a phone call that night telling him one of his friends had been injured while running, he had no idea that the entire club of Kappa Gamma Epsilon was waiting for him on the track. "My instincts were kicking in; 1was running and ready to save the day," Phillips said. "When I got to the track and noticed all the girls crowded around the stadium, I started to wonder why nobody else was helping Qut, and didn't really catch on to the whole idea for a while." As the women circled Phillips and pulled his first jersey over his head, everything started to sink in for him. "Everyone said they had never seen me smile that big before/' Phillips said. "The girls are so great for doing that for me," -ERIN COOK ~KAPPA GAMMA EPSILON Kappa Gamma Epsilon. &M 1: Ktfdtll A ~ A Sudduth, L AsIiey, II. ~ R Star'rej, H. He!xlefsoo, K. MKins, It Bazarya ni. E, ~. P;:m 2: D. Ckkay, A. Miner, c.1M:11s, Kln.Ye, S. Wright, A.I'tI:IIs, A.I:r,t, A. McCuflough. V. McCorrr»ck. PoN 3: E. Delhacp, H. Pettey, 1. fosha, M (»use, J. Fran~ K ~ 1 TN'iIW Row 4: M. Bates. B. fIdden, K Teffmil~ M, M(lJonaid, ~ smth, ~ IloNa, A. Wl'ittifKllOO-Row 5: 1. Grrenway,ll\eider'!m, A. Brtmn, 1o..1atxN, K. v.tMe. KCol2trrs. SOCIAL CLUBS - 248 Kappa Sigma Kappa. Row 1: 1.1., Ole!ry, A. HemaOOez. N. ~ B. Day. Row l: K. Hayn~, E.IIffd:lza, J. wao:m. ( Day. Row 3: M McKown, I Sain, S, Rigqs.Row 4: J. 'kIoke, B. Foir, J. Sain, ( Swearirqen, M. Binns. Row 5: J. Mitchell D, Satterfield, J. Dorsey, J. Blansett, 1. _N MaN",.