SENIOR ERIKA ROSS AND HER BROTHER SOPHOMORE JON ROSS playa musical pie game in theEast Apartments' courtyard at PiTh eta Phi's"Die Uberschmutzige Funktion"Sept. 18. Membersand theirdates played messy games, including condiment TWi ster, and enjoyed aslip-n-slide. ,COURTESY OF J. TANKSlEY WITH WATER DRIPPING FROM HIS FACE, sophomore John Eninger bobs for apples at Ch ,La mda Ch i's"Fright Night" Oct. 30. Chi Lamda Chi'sfirst function since theychartered in 2004 included pumpkin decorating,ascary movie and acostume contest. ,COURTESY OF C. SCHRIMSHER SUPPLY All-DAY FUN Senior Bethany james, Ko jo Kai president, said planning club functions was challenging and not as easy as it seemed. Perhaps that was why when a good idea came along. more than one club jumped on the bandwagon and used it. This year several clubs participated in a canoe function, an activity that attracted both men and women' 5 clubs. James said her roommate, senior Jessica Ray, activities director for Ko Jo Kai, presented the idea for a canoe trip in early September. "I totally supported it," James said. "We used it as a major function and it was totally worth it. Everyone had so much fun because it was something different, and it was outdoors." Senior Rebecca jaquish, activities director for Omega Lambda Oti last sprin~ said she wanted her club to participate in a canoe function. "[Canoeing] was the only thing I wanted to do beyond anything else," Jaquish said. "I kind of forced it through as a function idea." Forced function or not, Jaquish said her club had a good time. "It was a growing experience," she said. "There were some people who never canoed before and some people who had, and everyone had to work together as a team to get through it. It was a lot of fun." Junior TNT member Derek Russell, who went canoeing with his club last spring, said he enjoyed being with his friends in an off-cam~ pus environment. "[Canoeing] is a lot of fun," Russell said. "It isa good way to enjoy nature with friends whom you normally only see in the classroom." Russell said the last canoe function he went to was an eventful experience. "1 nearly ran into a canoe," Russell said. "But I still had a good time." Along with the risks, Russell said canoeing had some health ben~ efits. "It brought a nice bronze color to my face and improved my muscle tone," he said. "If you make canoeing a frequent routine, it would be a good exercise regiment." Senior Bethany Kloske was able to attend TNT's 2003 canoe function, which she said was her favorite function. A member of Zeta Rho, TNT's sister club, Kloske said a lot of her club sisters were asked to the function as well. "I loved the trip because 1got to spend the day with friends just taking it all in," Kloske said. "It just shows how Christians can have fun together and not be influenced by the world we live in. I believe it's the kind of fun God intends for us to have." Kloske said she loved being a part of the canoe function experience, and maybe in the future her club would plan one of their own. "I went with TNT last year and I hope to go again this year because it is so much fun," Kloske said. "This trip becomes the highlight of my semester." -CAlLIE OWEN 247 - FUNCTIONS