DEMONSTRATING HIS KICKING fORM, Junior Ben Davis, amember of Ga mma Sigma Phi, punts afootball at Gamma Sigma Phi's second-round mixer Oct. 5with thehelp of junior Brad Frank. Potential inductees interacted withthe men of Gamma Sigma Phi at their mixer and supported them at the club softball game that followed. ·A. BEENE TAKING ABREAK fROM MEETING POTENTIAL INDUCTEES, seniors Caroline Frederick, Lydia Carpenter and Justin Bland share cookie dough at Delta Gamma Rho's"Pajama Rama"mixerSept. 8. "I've been tofour cookiedough mixers for Delta Gamma Rho, and thiswas the most fun because of the pajama party and the huge']wiste( game;' Frederick said. ·R. KEeK ) (hi Sigma Alpha. Row1: T. Houseman, K.ToIi'ler, l. TaytlJl, A.Wollen, L Owen, A. Frazier. Row 2: K. Mabry, J. Bundy, C. Kirk, M. Gas\6n, J. Ha rrison, M. Eastridge, R. Kraus. Row 3: O. Scheid, S, Huddelston, J. Brazas, D. S~elton. J. Hammett, R. Hunter, A. Strouse,J. Evans, T. Frazier. Row 4: D. Li ndsay. CMimS, l Hend rix, M. Milner, K. Davis, J. E<!wards, R. Kaamarek, R.Travis. Row 5J. Kernodle, B. Downey, M. lones, S, Davis, R. West,J. Perero. Row6: I. Bailey, S.leonard, K. Harris,J. Ellis, B. Faulk, G. DeMario, A Sofio. Row7: P Banee, J. fry, K. laW>, D.lsS.Jcs, K. Dismuke Delta ( hi Delta. Row 1:S. Ash raf, B. Bridges. E.lIoyd, J. ClKnett, D. Condolora, D. Ockay. Row 2: A. Banislelli, B,Wold rtlp, M Mauney, P Conrell, BCrowell, J. Mell ish. Row 3: J. Dean, RSlims,). Ta~OT, M,Clouse, l. Wiggains. Row 4: B. Tinle, D. Dday, N. Shank, A.landry, J. Vines ~Ita Gamma Rho. Row 1: S.langstoo, L Bloon~ A. Wooldridge, K. fforne, A Smith, A. Swindler, L Estep, S. Cri)~ B. .lJeOOs, l Carpenter, C. Frederick, C. Kinsell.J, D, M.Jshoorn, S. Rea, C. Hirst) Giesemann, S. Rose, N. Wilhelms, V. Koeun. Row 2: R. Barth,J. ri.Jrris, R. McKinzie, K, Allen, D. Sandoval. S, Cascio, L Kirkpatrkk, J. Hinckley, L BIoiJn~ L Galloway, C. Gryszko, C. Rose, K. Dear, K. Anzueto. Row 3: T. Graha m, L, GriKe,J. Merril l, A. Clkk, R,Gou ld, M. Hin, A.l.ewi5,A. King. M. Kimber~, A Rei nstei n, L. Bu lli fl<jlon, K. DeRamus, K. Chappel, K. Bymn, J. Romeu, Row4: l. Brown, K,Walker, A,Rhein,A. Smith, E..bnes, L.kenhower,R.Th ies, N Turney, C. Shrum, M. Ca llaway, K. Rogers, R. WallMe,) Mffii~, K. Sober, J. Houston ,Row 5: C. Venable, N. Cave, M.Camp, A Strea~, C. Piefcy, L Nave, H. Brown, AWaflen, K. x hrrnlzried, W. Aiken, K,Wilhel ms, B. Ha% K. (Moen" M. McCoy. Row 6: C. Nooh, C Mortoo, D. fiorn, A Copeland, L. Pippins, D. Huguenard, S. Guglielroo, C. Howe, S,Younger, K. Durg in, Row 7: M. fe(teau, C. Casey, ) Perry, K, M(Nal ~, DSmith, A. Wig inton, B, Horden, J. Custer, K. Hl'1f, ). Bland, D. Hoeck, E. Morris, M,Ha ll ee. 245 - MIXERS