, ..oIIIIIICHllAMBDA CHI _ Chi Lambda Chi. Row 1:J. CoIoo, J. R.Jymond, S, Tur~n. Row 2: M. Walton, CEttinger, D,Wilcher, K, Q\leen, Row 3: B Stand ifer, A. Bailey, J. Mc()uffie, K. Pounds. S, Cook. JUNIOR WHIT JORDAN,TNT member, gOes his leslimon.lala dub meeling Nov. IS. NOI only were TNT members able 10 share Iheir reasons why Ihey belif'l<li in I<xilo fellow brolhers. memilefs ~id lhey also became more prepared 10 give Iheir leslimonies 10 olher people. 'R. RECK "IT IS AMAZING TO HEAR WHAT PEOPLE HAVE GONE THROUGH TO GETWHERE THEY ARE NOW SPIRITUALLY:' MEMBERS OF DELTA CHI DELTA AND KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA form acircle as Ihey pray afte ra volleyball game Nov. 2. Praying after games was a traditIO nthat all owed dub members to refocusand remember what was important. 'A, BEENE ////WHITAKER JORDAN, JUNIOR JUNIOR KATIE CASEY, ZETA RHO MEMBER, speaks on thetheme "Come As Yo uAre" as ju niors Emil yDell and Jessica Houston, members of Delta Gamma Rho, and senior Jordan Tanksley, member of Pi Theta Phi, listen May 1, 2004. The joint retreat allowed women from three SCJ(ial clubs to fellowship and get to know members of other clubs. ,COURTESY OF J. TERRY ..oIIIIIICHI OMEGA PI Chi Omega Pi. Row 1: T. While, S. HOlM, A. (jann, S. Bukovatz, C. Mur~y, l. Ni{hoIson, S, Light, M. Wam, R. Wam, K. Ch.J ndl ef, H. Smith, L P~I . K. Enwr, A.Tl'Iry, N,(oilier. Row 2: N. Copeland, l. Light, B, Glover, M. Carroll, J. Griffin, I. Coorer, 1. Nash, R. Tribble, K.O'Neil, K. Stroh, CA rnell, K,King. II. Mo ran. Row 3: K. Wells, C. Smith, C. Smith, S,Kennedy, J. El li" C. Walker, A. Raibley, S. Moon, E,Arnold. Row4:J. Laman, J. Moore, H. Plexk:o, M. Mortland, W. Holm, C. Stlnford, M. Phillips. N. Milhanay, N. SIleiton, H, Cusic. Row 5: L. Lama n, I. Crosby, B. 8efnard, S. Demen~ A. NlJ(tI1up, H,&yant R. CoI6n, T. Rose, E. YOOIlgef, B. Wal~, L.l>Jrfee Row6: J Szostak,J Crowe, J. Brown, E. Harbour, K. ~ahoose, C Helmuth, C. h1es,J. Yatt'S,. K. Boise, R. Fuge, A. Gentry, C. Gemma 243 - SPIRITUAL LIFE