OUTSTANDING STUDENT A THE FACULTY SELECTED 71 STUDENTS for the Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges honor this year, an award retired faculty member Dr. Jerome Barnes said was about more than academic achievement. "The honors program has been around for years, and this honor is not only about academks but service and leadership qualities," Barnes said. The requirements for any student nominated fora Who's Who honor are a 2.5 GPA, 90 credit hours and a submitted activities and achievements sheet. "People notice the honor on a resume. The students are not only studying but are active in other things," Barnes said. "Many [employers] are looking for all around quality of the student. ' The Special Projects office collected the students' activities sheet and used the information to create ballots with which the faculty voted for the students they believed deserved the honor. Women in God's Service, an'd helped raise funds for spinal cord treatment at various hospitals. Holley said she found a simple way to excel in school. "Pick an area of study that you love and give it your all," she said. Senior Josh Williams said he not only enjoyed the prestige of the award but the satisfaction of knowing the faculty chose him. "I thought it was awesome that the faculty consider me in such high regard," Williams said. Williams double majored in information technology and accounting. He also held several offices and was an active participant in his social club, Alpha Tau, as well as was a member of the French program and the Business and Information Technology Society. Senior Justin Parkey was another Who's Who member who said he was honored that the faculty chose him. The top students received a certificate for the award and were able to add another accomplishment to their resume. "It was an unexpected honor/' senior Melissa Holley said. "Harding has been a great experience, and 1'm glad J've participated in everything I could while here." "It's a big honor," he said. "1know there are a lot of choices they could have made, and I'm glad that I have somethingthatsetsmea part. It's shows that all your hard work pays off." Hard work, Parkey said, will pay off not only in school but later in life. SENIOR BETSY CHAlENBURG and senior Melissa Holley stop for a conversation after chapel. Holley was one of 71 students this year honored byWho'sWhoAmong Studen~ In American Universities and Colleges. ,(, ROBERSON Parkey said he was glad he could add Who's Who to his list of accomplishments, which included being a chorus member for three years, a Titans social club member, a beau for Ko Jo Kai, and a participant in Alpha Chi Honors Society and Delta Neu Delta. -DENA POWER An oral communications major, Holley was also an active member ofKo Jo Kai social club and queen for Theta Psi Kappa social club, part of the debate. team, a motivational speaker for ((,., Pill, t/tJ d:d I £&s~u; £t sd:s IIW tV,dtvr. )} J IIIIIIIII III NLJII //11111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IJ/!/ / IJUSTIN PARKEY, SENIOR Sara House -Aipila Chi,Who·~Who. L~ann Howard - Alpha (hI. Rachel Hudgens - Alpfla (hi. Jimmy Huff-Whc~Who. Oaniellsaacs - AlpilaChI. Jessica James - Alpila Chi, Who\Who. Suzanne Jennemann -Who\WlIo. ORGANIZATIONS - 238