JUNIOR NAKEIA MONTE, PRESIDENT of the Multi-Cultural Student Action Comm ittee, hands out yellow ribbons to sen ior Ivy Crosby and freshman Sea nBoeh ri gin the student center Oct 7to honorthe troops in Iraq. "[Wei know people in thewar, and [wei wa nted to support them;' Monte said. ,A. BEENE SENIORS CAIREVTAI AND RENADA ROBINSON and junior Rachel Donald, members of the Multi-Cultura l Student Action (ommittee, sweep up leaves duri ngthe Day of Service Feb. 21 MSAC was one of about 20 organiza tions to pa rticipate inthe event. ,e. ROBERSON SOPHOMORES IVAN GOMEZ AND JUAN TOURlAY, membeo of theSpanish club, sing at aSpanish devotiona l inthe Ga nus building Nov. 1. The devotional allowed Spanish-speaki ngstudents to worshiptogether each Wednesday night 'R. KECK international business society ------------ International BusinessSociety. Row l;W Jordon, I. Osorio, S. Veliz, M.Kimberly, A. Shelia1 E. TorulIO, A. Fertz, C. Aleman, D, Carranza, S. Londo. Row 2:V.Chamo, M. Valdes, G. Sei ders, J. Chav~ T. Kftner, E. Dubose, G. Gonzalez, M. Aguila r, K. Burton. Row 3: L Dockery, A. Wil lia ms, J. Grissom, C. Contreras, S. Mayorgo, L. Reed, D. Dliia, X. Peng, C. Carui. Row4: D. RCIITlero,). flores, E. Siooimeri, J.l'leasan!, J. (astro, l Grande, t Garci.J multi-cultural student action committee ------- Multi-Cultural Student Action Committee. Row 1: A. Haynes, R. Dona ld, N,Monte, R. Rooin$Oll. Row 2: A. Davis, J. Berry, E. AI ~ri.J,J Berry, Row 3: B, Gardner, D, Powell III, J. Harrington, J. Sheltoo. spanish club --------------- Spanish Club. Row 1: WGuerra, C Piercy, J Tourlay, O. Caceres, l. Previl, 1. Zepeda, 1. Leon, I. Osorio, J. Saodo~a l. Row 2 F. Bell, R.Cmrirte, D. Vath, A,(onley. S. Da~ila, 1. Morgan. N. Prieto, l. Prato, I. Gomez, H, Walton 233 - INTERNATIONAL