In an effort to more effectively se~e and represent a diverse studlnfbody, the Student Association increased its size this year by restructuring its committees. The SA's by-laws recognized 10 standing committees; however, in recent years these committees were somewhat stagnant, according to Jim Miller, SA sponsor. As a result, Miller said SA PresidentJirnmy Huff revamped the existing oommittees and established several others. Already-existing committees included academic affairs, communication, Day of Service, elections, food service, Homecoming. physical resources, residence life, special projects and spiritual life. Additions this year included the school spirit and freshman action committees. With the additions and reorganization, as many as 200 people were involved in some way with the SA this year, Huff said. "The biggest role of the SA council is to be the voice of the student body:' Huff said. "With the help of the committees, the council can be more focused on that job, while the committees handle some of the smaller jobs." Junior Sarah Ficks, co-chairman of the school spirit committee, said the committees helped speed up projects . •' "A lot more is getting done in a shorter amount of time," Ficks said. "It is easier to get goals accomplished. with more people involved." The school spirit oommittee, which involved around 25 students, made efforts to increase attendance at intercollegiate athletic events. "Our goal is to build bridges between athletes and non-athletes and to have more attendance at all the athletic events," Ficks said. With the improvements, however, came the challenge of commWlicating with larger, more active committees, Huff said. Each committee met once or twice a month, and once a month the committee leaders met with and reported to the SA council. Huff said he believed the reorganized committee system should continue next year. "The success of the committees this year is because we have had so many great people working on them," Huff said. "Hopefully this is a good model for future years, and they can continue building and improving upon the committee system." -LAURA KAISER --harding in action -------------- student association --------------- Harding In Action. Row 1:S,Cook, P. Hopkins. R, Fuge, D.Rubin,Y.I.eon,E,WryI'..Row 2: C. Own, M. Rero. J. Zeped.J , S, Smit h, C. Snider, S. Beamon. Row 3: J. Hawes, J, Wrye, K. Nelson, G, Pin~lon, M, Reinhardt, D. Scheid Student Association. Row 1: K, Borne>, L, Clark, M.Hewes, A. Ra ibley, L, Ka iser, J. McCall, I. Floyd ,Row 2: J. Mill er, L, Rero, c. Walker, J. Huff, 231 - SA,CLASS OFFICERS & CAB