11111111//1//1/////////1// SENIORS LISA BLOUNT and Jessie Th ompsonand junior Ju lie Pye chat duri ngbreakfast at the PublicRelations Devel~ opment Seminar inlittle Rock Oct. 15. The day~long event, whichthe PublicRelations Student Society of America sponsored, gave students Insight into the field of public relations. oj. HIGGINS SOPHOMORE LINDSEY MYERS and freshman Dianne Rubin, members of thedactyology club, sign "thank you"i nunisonDec. 2. The club gave students the opportunity to learn and practice thei r sign language abilities withothers.•A.rNGRAM )) SENIOR SARA FUl~ lINGTON conducts aspeech therapy session in theuniversity clinic. Communication disorders majors partiCipated in activities at the clinic throughout the year to gai nexperi - ence working with chi ldren.•COURTESY OF B. MCLArN -- radio-television news directors association ---- student speech and hearing association ------- Radio-Television News Directors Association Chapter. Row 1: K. Frizzell, A. Bri nley, M. Hewes, A. Dorsey, D.Hoggatt Row 2:K Jones, E ArnGld, M.Hayrs, A.Hernandez Student Speech and Hearing Association. Row 1: B. Mclain, LWebster, N. Nix. J. Gieseman n, Row 2:S. Dominski, K.Tripp. M Sha nkl in,S. Wortha m, l. Roberts. Row 3:L.ThOOlton,J. Delano, G.Wi nter, A.West 229 - COMMUNICATION