~+On' t find my portrait in this yea ok. o ahead and check if you want. t the fourth year in a row, I didn't ake it to portrait day. Now, I'll take most of the responsibility for missing it the first three years; but this year, I can safely blame my absence on Harding's student newspaper, the Bison. While the rest of the student body went home Wednesday night to sleep and get ready for their pictures in the morning, the Bison staff and myself were just settling into our second all-nighter in a row. By the time the well-rested, wellgroomed student body showed up for photos the next day, my personal appearance was in shambles and my temperament was not one that could even conceivably muster the slightest smile. The Bison and Petit Jean may be free for most students, but there are about 20 students on the publications' staffs who pay a higher price than most realize. The publications take a lot from those who work on them. Free time, .' sleep and remembering what the outdoors looks like are typically the first to go. In spite of that, publications also give many things back to their staffs. During my first few weeks of being on staff, these benefits seemed to consist largely of a lack of free time and a lack of sleep. Almost a year later, I get to see my Bison experience from a much different point of view. The professional experience I have gained is irreplaceable, as are the friendships I formed with those on both the Bison and Petit Jean staffs. The late nights and constant work as editor-in-cruef of the Bison will keep me waking up screaming long into my adulthood, but it is the chair races down the new Mclnteer-toscience-building ramp and the games played at the student publications' Christmas party that will make me smile and go back to sleep. - STEVEN PROFAIZER ED/roR'S NOTE: Senior Steven Profaizer served as editor-inchief of the Bison newspaper. He was also ahumor columnist for the PetitJean. --petitjean staff -------------tv 16 staff-------------- Petitjean staff. Row 1: J. Miller, M. MktJael)()fl, A.l ng ram, E. Adams, C. Tai,l. fish, J. Higgins. Row 2: R. Keck, A.Beene,l.Brown, C Noah,l. Candy, C. fklils, R.lewis. TV 16staff. Row 1: D. Hog gatt, S. Stinnett, K. Sanerfield, R. Asbill, A.leeper, C. Ryan, A. &inle;r, M. Hewes. Row 2: K. kines, E. Arnold, M. H.Jyes C. Cum min gs, A. Hernandez, K. [)oiSl'.Row 3: K. Dismuke, E. Foy, D. Mul lin s, A. Robinson, K. Frizzell. 227 - COMMUNICATION