2004-2005 Yearbook

----- red brick studios --------------, Red Brick Studios. Row 1: I. Crosby, M. Hlam, K. Mabry. Row 2: S. 5<hoen, M. Rk~rdSOll, M. Brown, A.landf)', D, Adams. - - - - - society of interior design - - - - - - - - - - - - , ASID.Row 1: C. (ox. 1. McGee, H. Thompson, A. (ox. Row 2: A. Robeoon, M. Lawhon, L. Rogers. A. Clart. Row 3: M.legg. A. Wanj.Ji.( Wood, C. Montague. 224 - ORGANIZATIONS SENIORS STEPHANIE RINGOLD and Michael Fonville show off their group project at the PUSH conference held inMemphis in October. The pair completed the project as apart of their GraphicDesign II class. then submitted it into the contest. ·COURTESY OF S. SCHOEN JUNIOR IVY CROSBY paints abrickJan. 18 during ameeting of Red Brick Studios. a graphic design organization.The organization designed two displays for Harding University atTahkodah to take to the Tulsa Workshop In the spring. ·R. KECK DR. JOHN KEllER. CHAIRMAN OF THE ART DEPARTMENT, chats with 5efliof JenniferWalton at. an Amencan Society oflnt.enor Design luncheon Nov. 9. The event. feat.ured an intenor designer from little Rock who discussed t.he profession. ·A. BEENE