GRADUATE STUDENTTIM NANCE, SOUVENIRS PRESIDENT, gives adramaticreading of "TheWalrus and the Carpenter" Oct 21 .The Sou venirs met every Thursday at local coffeehouse Thanks-A-latte to read poemsand discuss professional wri ters. >A. BEENE SENIOR ANDREA MARTIN listens to Dr. Gary Elliott, chai rman of the Englishdepartment, spea kabout Earnest Hemingway at the induction ceremony for Phi Eta Sigma in the fal l. The group tookatripto Hemingway's former residence in Piggott, Ark., dUring the fall semester. ,A. INGRAM DR. LARRY HUNT, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH, prepares toshow amoviefor the Fi lmStudieS Association, a group who watched and critiqued movies each Friday night In the Reynolds Center The organization watched films including"Treasure Island;' "Hidden Fortress" and "Kafka" in the fa ll semeste r. >A. BEENE scribblers ---------------------- x ribblers. Row 1: C. Hammitt, T. Nonce, B, Edwa rds, E. Healy. Row 2: T. Engel, L Reed, T. (arr, 0 Russell, ). VGigts sigma tau delta --------------------- Sigma Tau Delta. Row 1: T. Nan{€, E. Healy. C. Campbel l. N,Wil hel ms,l. fIontrager, Row 2:M.Cunningham, A.Zahler, A.lewis, E, A0on, ( Kinsella. Row 3: B, BI!"Yins, G, Russell. M.Oaxtoo, A. Brown souvenlrs--------------------------- Souvenirs. Row 1: 1. Hendrix, C. Hammitt, B, Edwards,S, Nall(e, S, [\rown, A. Corr. Row 2: M, Hainley, T. carr, S, Deere, E. Healy, T. Nance, A Wanjai, J. Percell. Row 3: LJones, j, VOigt, M. Claxton, A. Zahler, N,Shank, D. Roussea u 223 - LITERATURE