(( SENIOR RACHEl COCHRAN, president of thestudent chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children, leadsan officers meeti ngat Midnig ht Oil Jan. 20. CE(, anational organization designed to equip teachers withthe skills to ed ucatechil dren with specia l needs, began in1922. ·A.INGRAM .' JUNIOR JESSICA GRIFFIN paints senior KyleThompson's face at"Breakfast with Santa"Dec 11 at Downtown Churchof Christ. StudentsAdvancing Learn ing and Teaching sponsoredthe event for more than 200 elementary school stud ents.• (OURTESY OF K. THOMPSON SENIOR LINDSAY FOX serves herself abowl of soup at a Students Advancing Learning and Teaching soup and salad lu nch Sept.2 1.SALT sponsoredthe soup and salad lunches regularly to promote fellowsh ipwithi nthe orga nization. >(OURTESYOF K. THOMPSON -- kappa delta pi -------------- students advancing learning and teaching ------ Kappa Delta Pi. Row 1: M. Dory. B. Kelley,l Goertzen, LCarpenter, C. Fre;:jerkk. Row 2: D, Lee, N. Key, M. Petty. J. Miller, B, Watson. Row 3: L. NipperT. Na!\(e, J. Benn ingfield, A. Nl)friS, E. Dumagan Students Advancing learning and Teaching. Row 1: K, Thompson, S. Bozzy, A Parker, M,Watson, AJohnston, Row 2: N. Ke.Jrns, L Nicholson, E,Terry. M. Ooty. M. Wi lliams. Row 3; 1Goertzen, L. Carpenter,! Be!lnill9 fie1d. K. Maule, LReihma nn, L. Miner,A. Harbin, C. Smith. 221 - EDUCATION