2004-2005 Yearbook

il:irty-three student teachers from th liege of Education were given ~ re opportunity to teach 500 stunts in two schools in Catacamas, t1fiduras, during spring break, March 6-12. Several members of Students Advancing Learning and Teaching joined forces with a construction campaign to spend spring break teaching vacation Bible school, holding teaching seminars, providing teaching supplies to area Honduran teachers, and supplying some much-needed construction materials and muscles. After this first campaign, other members of SALT who were student teaching in Searcy schools and who had a different spring break, went back to CatacamasMarch 21-26 for a second teacher outreach. Junior Kyle Thompson, who had been to Honduras seven times, led the teaching section of both campaigns. Brian Phillips, associate professor of kinesiology, led the construction side of the first trip. The first trip to Honduras held spaces for 15 people, and the second trip had 18 available spaces. Senior Kristen Stumpf went on the second campaign. "This will be my fifth campaign," Stumpfsaid. 'Tm excited about it every [campaign] r ve been on has changed my life in a different way." Thompson said the themefor SALT this year was based on diversity, and he hoped that by going to Honduras the students would understand the different culture and take that knowledge of diversity back to the classrooms. "The one thing we gain primarily with SALT, or that we're hoping to gain, is a sense of the diversity of the students," Thompson said. Fellow campaigner senior Kelly Nickell, who went on the first campaign, said she wanted to be reminded of the blessings in her life. "I've been twice [to Honduras], and I love the experiences with the children," Nickell said. "It's a life-changing experience that really makes you appreciate what you have." - AliSA MOLONEY ------- council for exceptional children -------- educational research association ------ Student Cl'lapteroftheCoundl for Exceptional Children. Rem I:J. Morga n, R. Parter, J.le«:h, RCochran. Educational Research Association. Row 1: J. Knox. LThortoo,C.Ca rroll ORGANIZATIONS - 220