--thundering herd ---------- Thundering Herd. Row 1:( Curry, (. Mclean, B. West B. Ritchie, C. Chester, A. Mowrer, M. Lockwood, D. Chdnce, K Drew, L Jones, K. Barter, 1 5<l\allert Row 2:), Eilenstein, R.Sayle, J. Livingston,V. Mowrer, N.Carbonneau, K. Bolton, L. Kimbrel l, A. DUn.Jway, K.'Mggains, J. Weimer,) Robe rtSOll, C. Rodgers,l Marioni. Row 3: K. Nowlin, J. Dean, S,Va ntine, A.Swa ngo,1 Dockery. E. Smith, C. Withrow, R. Locke, A. Dizer. Row 4: J. Sutton, 1. x llel l('flMrger, B. Rune r, S. Frazil't', S. Johnson, B. Beason, E,Schra mm, E. Colgrove, K. Hopkins, J. Berger. J. Ta~or. N, McCoy. M. Goode, D. Spoor. Row 5: D. Chisum, A. Price, K. Miller, B. Braswel l, W. Hammes, J. McLea n, N,Wh ite, L.Fa in. Row6: J. Belcher, J. Tubb, J. Wilhite, L Cox. ~ct sound echoed every touchdown"'the Bi- ;~] .e;all t~m made this season. I _ as fl9(the usual noise of fans or the yells from c eaders. Instead, a new tradition began when the Thundering Herd played the Bisons' fight song after every Harding touchdown. "The band should do whatever it can to show lots of team spirit, and it should help the crowd show spirit too," senior Jon Schallert, drum major and president of Thundering Herd, said. "We're supposed to back the football team and cheer them on, so we were more than glad to do that." As part of the Student Association' 5 effort to increase school spirit at athletic events, SA President Jimmy Huff and Schallert brainstormed during the summer ways the band could help the SA accomplish its objectives. Playing the fight song after each touchdown was one idea the band implemented. "It was a big initiative of the SA this year to get students involved with the sports programs in general," Huff said. "We really wanted to work together with the band so there would be a commonality that everyone at the games could participate in." Although the band incorporated the fight song into games last year, this was the first year it played the song regularly, Schallert said. Huff and Schallert agreed that choosing to play the fight song after every touchdown was a good way to integrate a part of the university's history with current students. Before the season began, the Thundering Herd participated in a five-day on-campus camp where members learned the music for the upcoming season. Junior Katie Barker, assistant drum major, said she thought Schallert did a good job preparing the band to play the fight song at a moment's notice. "Touchdowns usually happen fast, and Jon knew that we would have to be prepared to play the fight song quickly," Barker said. "He just came up with a new and quicker signal so that the band could play faster and on demand." Members of the SA and the Thundering Herd said they were pleased with their contributions to the football season. "We were asked to play more in general this season, and this year we have more members which made us louder and better," Schallert said. "The football team has offered us many great compliments about our support of them and for helping to get the crowd going." ~ERIN COOK 207 - INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC