2004-2005 Yearbook

SOPHOMORE LARISSA COLLIER, member ofthe suing quartet. plays theviolin during orchestra practice Jan. 24. Thestri ng quartet consisted of membersof the orchestrawhoauditioned on violin, viola and cello. ·A. INGRAM FRESHMEN JOHN BERGER AND KATIE HOPKINS keep the Rhodes Rowdies going during halftimeofthe Jan. 13 men's basketball game. Hopkins wastheonly female trumpeter in the pep band this year. ·A. BEENE MARCHING BAND MEMBERS play intheMclnteer plaza OCI. 22. Thegroup performed asapari of the dedication ceremony for the Pryor-England Cenler for Science and Engineering.• R. KECK -------pep band --------------- string quartet ----------- Pep Band. Raw 1: K. Barker, a !leason, llaylor. K. HopkiM. J. Berger, N. McCoy. Row 2: 1. Maooni, J. Schallert. S, Yanlilt, J. Dean, N. Carbonneau_ Row 3: j, Shellffi tlarger, S. &a,WfIl, J. Mclean, W. Hammes. 1. Wi lhite. Row 4: J. Tubb, J. St'Id1er. ORGANIZATIONS - 206 String Quartet. Row 1: S. Rampey, L Collie~ A. Royce, K. Schuler.