DR. ARTHUR SHEARIN, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, directs theconcert choir Sept. 29 in theBensonAuditonumdu ring a performance atthe lectureship. All t. hreevoca l groups - the chorus, concert. choir andUniversity Singers - performed during the lectureship. ·J.MONTGOMERY JUNIOR JOSH HARRISON sings withthe concert choir in th eHeritage Auditorium Oct. 12. "It's really fun gettingto sing with all my friends;'Harrison sold. "It's encouraging to see the effect our singing has on people:' ·R. KE(K MEMBERSOFTHE CHORUS pose foraphotograph on top ofthe Great Wal 1of China inthesummer Thechorus toured China, Thailandand Singapore forfourweeks In co njuctionwith the Intemational Ca mpaigns program.• (OURTESYOF CGANUS chorus--------------------------------------, (horus. Row 1: K. Allen, PSublett, B, Scharff. K. D.lvidSO!l, D, Ger5t, M.C¥Je, M. Martin, L lawsoo, S,(,Jady, M,e Clalt, B. ~ L. Crabb. Row 2: W. Dewe.l. Fonvil le) Cox, R. DeRamLlS, K. Clark, M. Ward, B. [la~ i'M2ty,l Thoolpson. 0 Ban~!el li. K. Balker, H, vall" R. Wheeler. Raw 3: J. Snell, R. Casey, S. Frazier, K. Eastland, J. SdlaIIert L ~, P Goats, S fultz, N. B.Jshaw, A Mu rray,). Dyniewsky, M. Baker. Row 4: E. Smith, A. Blm, RKaamarek, K Cx£j. lB. Hewett, R. Hatlit'ld, J. Pa inter, LPadgett. B, Riley, R. B.hhaw, J. W<tllingfoot J. Pe!lni'lgtOfl, Row 5: L Mxwe. R.kxles, P Kurtz. J. GiIy. S. Yoorlg. L Pippens, j. Bragg.. B. TIdV~,A. POOiroon, L fbJgott, J.Gan us, L. Jooes. concert choir -----------------------------------, (on(ert Choir. Row 1: C. Bonk, E, Ay\ott. D, Bergsma, N, Willlelm~ S. Gatlin, J. Robertso!l, J. Pinard, R. wa~ers, S. Bodi, R. Mr, J. ~t C. Withrrm. Row 2: A Milked, A. &adley, c. Hortoo, J. Merrill L Blount M.Camp, K.lIItirTliln, H. Jet\oo, L fMctiroon, L Hami ll, A lewis. Row 3: J. Smith, E Brewster, J. Merrin, L Bloont 1. Ash, J. WeirTll'f, S. Sh ipp, KCross, J. Hirlcklt"j, M. Gubert, C. Gryszk{\ S. Smith. Row 4:H. Durxan, A. NOIIis, 1 DoLtgfle\y, C Hames, K. Wiggains, J. Ellenstein, K Drew, J. Castro, C. CJnl~l , II CJntre! l, C. Kinsel lo, £. Del h.Jgen. Row 5: K. Hill, RGould, M. Gaddis, K,luke, E. DuBose, L Fry, M, Shanklin, H. Compbell J. Shackelfw1, !.lMlkinsoo, H, Hill. Row 6: ANtwsome, J. GarIm). Shellenbarger, R. lode, J. GOOfTey, J.laylor, M. ?erring. N, MMj, N. Prosser, A. Dickson,). Freeman. Row 7:D.Hunt C. Morton, S Ilagc;ten. J. Harrison, K. Mliauley, A, frye, M, Sextoo, l. Sheldoo, J fbJs/:It, D. TrtI'f:!, A. PIke, B.Kel ler. Row 8: K. 5.Jpp, B, Gat! in,). CJm~l, J. LNeIy, J. Mellish, J. Garlin, S, Rodger), J. Cu rti" D,Johnson, K FISher. university singers ----------------------------------, University Singers. Row 1: KMiller, J. Fonvi lle, K,Brodshaw, M. f>hillips, S, 5.J~ra, T. Frazier, J. Edmoods, S. Fultz, K. B.J lthrop, K,Palmer, K, Mortin Row 2: R. fuge, A, Wu, J. Deister, D..I<weIlana, J. Eades, J. Sunoo, H. Wclket V. Mtmrer, M,Firxh, S.Yarbrough, L, h1e5. Row 3: C. GanllS, L W:xxls, M Wei[:i'l1. G. Parks, J. Freeman, ASwango. C. Mortoo, J, Wdhite, J. GOwn, Klohnd, M. Stidier, A Haynes. Row 4:D, McDonald, K Colzens, A. Blair, A HUlChinsoo, N. KfIm, ACulver, B. West, S. Herring. M, Javellilna, A,Hutmam, R. .l.Jl'eilana, N. CJrOOwieau 201 - VOCAL MUSIC