2004-2005 Yearbook

JUNIOR MEGAN GILBERT FLIES while graduate student Brian Adams hoists her into the air and sophomore Katherine Mitchell claps her hands in the skit "AEIOU" atthe Pied Pipers' practICe Oct. 28. Through skitsand songs, the pipers performed for children. 'R. KEeK SENIOR TOM MEADOWS works on the set of the British wmedy"Are You Being Served"Oct. 9.1he challenge was to build aset that could show the showroom floor of adepartment store as well as an office and still make it practical for the stage," said Meadows, who was stage manager for the production. 'R, KEeK JUNIOR PHIL BURROWS and sophomore Jami Macke, members ofTheatron, perform the "Eugene" skit at Student Impact Aug.23. Theatron ministered to high school and college students across the country through skits. ,R, KEeK JUNIOR ANYA BURT AND SOPHOMORE JONATHAN BRAGG ~ng the love duet "Stranger in Paradise" at the "Kismer ~hearsal Oa. 15. "It was really neattosee everyone come togetherfor practice every night for agood month;' Burt said. 'lhe~ were people who would corne even if they weren't in the scene.", R. KECK ------- campus players-------------- film studies association -------- campus Players. Row 1: R. Bocks, l Abeflla~, ~ Gilbert, K. Vancil. Row 1: CNo.lh, l. Padgett. E. Oytts, LShields.. Aim StudiesAssodation. N. ~ L ble5. M. Mooa. K. Hmnes. ORGANIZATIONS - 198