2004-2005 Yearbook

GRADUATE STUDENTS SHELlYE ALFORD and Suzie Schaefer practice their computers ski lis June 22 atthe North Uttle Rock Professional Center, home of the Masterof Arts inTeaching program. Thecurriculum included courses that taught students how toincorporate computers into classroom activities. 'A. BEENE OR. JENENE ALEXANDER, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION, lectures theIdentificat ionand Remediation of LearningProblemsfor Case Studies in theSchool Setting class Dec 7. Th eclass discussed educational, social and psychological needs surrounding children with learning problems. ,A. BEENE GRADUATE STUDENT AliSHA FRAZIER enters information into the purchasing book in the educational curriculum lab Feb. 22. Frazier, who was the graduate assistant in thelab, kept track of student workers' schedules, among other responsiblillies. ·A.INGRAM GRADUATE STUDENT KEVIN BRENNAN raises his hand to as ask a question of George Oliver, chai rm an ofthe management department, Feb. 22 in the EthiCS, Legal and Social Issues In Business class while graduate students Joey Lambert, Levi Ross, Suzan neGuymon and Rees Jones listen.Students discussed in class ethical issues inbusiness from abiblical perspective. ·R. KE(K L..-....-JO 193 - GRADUATE PROGRAMS