2004-2005 Yearbook

OR. DENNIS PROVINCE, ASSISTANT PROfESSOR OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE, points to agauge while demonstrating to juniors Ash lea Haun and lindsay Fellers, and sophomore Mega nEasterly how to use an atomic absorption instrument Inan atmosphericchemistrylab Dec. I. Theatmospheric absorptioninstrument helped studentsdetermi nethe amount of potentially poisonous metals inthe air. ·A. BEENE SENIOR WESLEY HAMILTON examines the gas pressure on atan kduring an atmospheric pressure study Dec I. Hamilton's responsibility was to keep the tank's pressure constant during multiple test runs. ·A. BEENE JUNIOR ZACH JOHNSTON PREPARES to pu ri fy aproduct using the proces;of distil lation duri ngan Orga nic Chemistry lab Dec. 2. Some students said the process of distillationwas atedious procedure that required patience. ·R. KEeK SENIOR HILLARY KENNINGTON REACHES to adjust aknob before measu ri ng acommercia l compound in theatmosphere Jan. 18. Kenn ington learned that commercial compounds contained chemicals harmful to the environment, which should be filtered out when found. ·A. BEENE 185 - BIOLOGY & PHYSICAL SCIENCE