SNAPSHOTS ' (l Craig Bettenhausen - Falls(hur(h, Va. Ledell Edwards - Searry,M BenGerber - Danville, Ino KensukeKatayama - Tokyo,Japa n Angela Gober - Memphis, Tenn. Nathan Hend ri x- St.loois, Mo. Matthew Hewes - lubbod, Te~a\ Mark Johnston - TiW City, Ohio Jackie Maples - (ooway, Ark. Chri s Nicho lso n- Portales, N,M. Sa ra hWhitehouse - Oarksvil le, Texas FROM AFRIC ... Juniors Ma rkJohnston, Chris Nicholson, Ben Gerber and Nathan Hendrix served as missionaries for 10 months at the Chepkong'ony Sec0nda rySchoo l in Chepkong'ony, Kenya. The quartet returned to Harding this spring. The following are pictu res the group took while in Kenya. AYOUNG AFRICAN BOY sits in his mothers arms while theKenya mission team takes a pictu re."We didn't speak thelanguage, so we became more dependent on God and each othe(juniorCh ri sNicholson said . COURTESY OF KENYA MISSION TEAM JUNIOR BEN GERBER gatheo withthree Anican childrenin the spring of 2004. "I thought Iwould come away nom Kenya with a clea rviewof what Iwanted to do:'Gerbersaid. ''Thats definitely notthecase, but I'm OK withthat:' COURTESY OF KENYA MISSION TEAM PATIENTS IN AKENYAN HOSPITAL lie in theirbeds.Jun iorsChris Nicholson, MarkJohnston, Ben Gerber and Nathan Hendrixtaught and min istered inKenya fo r10 months. COURTESY OF KENYA MISSION TEAM 129 - SECOND SEMESTER STUDENTS