2003-2004 Yearbook

92 II people people ------------------ .' Guitarist Doug Wood strums during a concert in the student center Oct. 4. Wood, a jazz and acoustic guitarist, was sponsored by the Student Activities Committee. (Photo by Melissa Wilson) In a world of tests, projects and studying, many Harding students found a bit of solitude while attending concerts. Although most concert trips went off smoothly, some students said they caused some of the craziest, longest and most troublesome trips. "Whenyou know there is a great concert on the other end of your drive, it makes the trip shorter and a lot more enjoyable." - senior Stephen Osborne " If I really like an artist and have been waiting to see them in concert. I will stop at nothing to get there," junior Ashley Leath said. Whether it was the atmosphere or the love of the music, several students sacrificed classes for their music. "My best friend and I love Pat Green so we drove to Dallas on a Thursday night, listened to the best musician ever, skipped Friday classes and drove back so my friend could work on Saturday morning," senior Jess Foster said . However, some students weren't as adventurous to miss school or chapel even for their favorite artists. "1 went to hear the legendary Willie Nelson in Atlanta on a Sunday night and drove back to Searcy in time for my 9:45 class on Monday morning," senior Korey Keith said. Junior Natalie Tyler also made it back in time for classes after a lengthy journey to see country singer Kenny Chesney in Nashville. "I love Kenny Chesney. When I saw he was going to be in Nashville, I bought tickets," Tyler said. "I didn't even think about the drive because I live in Memphis, but the concert was when I was at school. My friend and I left on a Sunday morning and drove to Nashville. The concert started at 8 p.m. so we didn't get to start our trip home until 11:45 p.m. We rolled into Searcy about 6 a.m.... we were both in chapel Monday morning." Even during times when students had no money for food, gas or everyday necessities, they still made exceptions for a concert ticket. "One of the exciting things about college is being spontaneous," senior Stephen Osborne said. "When you know there is a great concert on the other end of your drive, it makes the trip shorter and a lot more enjoyable."