2003-2004 Yearbook

• • Harding celebrated its 80th year of existence this year. Arkansas Christian College and Harper College joined forces " in 1924 to begin Harding ColJege on the campus ofArkansas Christian College in Morrilton, Ark. Admjnistrators hoped uaditions from the first student body would be passed down to future student bodies. "It has been your privilege to establish precedents for future student bodies," J.N. Armstrong, Harding's first presi– dent, wrote in the 1924 edition of the PetitJean. "Traditions of the doings of the first student body will be handed down from year to year and from generation ro gen– eration, even so long as the institution shall live. " The 2004 version of Harding reflected the mission of the 1924 founders - to uphold a Christ-centered university. Freshman Amy Evans said while at Harding, Christ became the center of her attention. "I notice that I think about my relationship with Christ more onen," Evans said. IS 1924