2003-2004 Yearbook

emocratic presidential hopefuls, Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, oward Dean, former Vermont governor; former Sen. Carol Mosley Braun of linois; Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina; retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark of rkansas; Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts; and the Rev. AI Sharpton of New ork, pose together prior to the "Rock the Vote" debate Nov. 4 at Faneuil Hall Boston. With 2004 being a presidential election year, Democratic candidates pent parts of 2003 and 2004 campaigning. (AP Photo) Oui5tophcr (Graduate),524 Old Post, Russdlvillc, AR 802. Heather (Senior), 25468Williams Dr. Justin. TX 76247; 48, Jennifer (Grnduate).I84 Blackfork Rd.Grcenbricr,AR '" J05hua L(Freshman),2JaneD I..ane, Clarksville, AR i283O; fi,298. Katie (~), 206 Rainw()()c\ Terr., Pean::y, AR 964-970; 82 Kris (Senior), 70SSwanec Dr,!lcnton. AR 72Q15. Trevor Ounior), 25468 Williams Dr. Justin, LX 76247·'755; , m,283, 301. F~ Jonathan {Sophomore), Im5. HighlandSt., Memphis, 38111·511;82 F~ Tiffany L(Smior), 2919 Runnymeade Dr., Murfreesboro, 37128; 172, 290,3(12. French AdrienneEOunior), 153s. !lcntley I'Iace, Post Falls, ID 854;300. Anthooy (Senior~ 7OOE.Cm~So:mcy.AR 721t); I!.l, 218. Lisa A(Freshman), 4300Colliervilll'-Arlington Rd, E.,ds, TN 38028; 103. Mlchia (Senior),P06ox8,Ashflat,AR 72513-00) Fridell Gnddy L(SIaff),423AudIcy BoItm,Searcy,AR 72143; 141. AshJey (Freshman), 423 Audicy BoItm,Scarcy,AR 72143; 31U Friedlund Kimberly Ilene (Graduate), 8'9 Hidden Valley,Cooway,AR 7.lO3<. Frith Garrett (Senior), Rtl BoxM, Tr.msylvania, LA 71286-910; m Fri'" Sarah (Sophomore), 6479s. XmophonSt, Littleton,. 00 80127; 82. Fri. Daphne (Sophomore), 2IlI \-\bodcreek. Longview, TX 75604-4U; 82, 223,3U7. Adrienne;218. Tony; 214. Jena (Senior), 1313N. \o\bo6tcrAve., Dover,OH 44622; 48. F~lI lGmberlyA (Sophomore), 4443 CkrrydaIe,Memphis, TN 38117; 155,297. Froncuk Leah (Sophomore), 32Da\'idsQn Dri\-e,SaratogaSprinp, NY 12866. F~I Alan (Sophomore). 1609AppleOn:hard Lane, Walled lake. MI 4B39O; '1Kl. F~d ~'CIiyA (Senior), 261 Paradise Ro.xI.Judsmia.AR """. ~~ 0 (Freshman), 1m Forest Dr.,CariJWlctim. MO 64834; 103. F." Gail T(Farulty), 1329BIaclqad:; ReI. Ward,AR 72176; 146. Jonathan Ounior), 1826LakeFalcon Dr., Allen" TX 7SOO2; "'I Kelcey (Senior), 2010SevenOaksDrive, Kingwood, LX 77339-330; 48,273,302. UceyM (Fn-shman), 1'060,,42074, Savannah,GA 31409; 103,']77, F.". DottieLee (Faculty), 15Jenny Lynne Dr,Scaocy,AR 72143; 146,290. Karn (Graduate), 28ffi Soulhridgc Est., Fort Smith, AR 72916. StevenN (Faculty), 15Jenny Lynne Dr, Searcy,AR 72143; 146 F"",~ James D(Freshman), 96 Leggct Dr., Atoka,IN 38OOl; 103, 285 fu~nt~ CamiIa (Senior), Cumbresde Cuscatlan, Av. Trot, Anliguo Cuscatlan, AR 72143; 48, 284 ""10 ~5 (Fre<;hman), ~Bristol Drive, Altamonte Springs. f:L 32714; 30:l Full~r MidIaeI Ounior),55Ridgeo.'aIe Rd.,Jaooorwilk, AR .,.". Ful1. rton Shane (Farully), 32Glmmere, Scarry,AR 72143; 146,270. Fulmer Jrunae E (Faculty),611 KingSt, Searcy, AR 72143. Fulton Linda (Graduate),4U76E. CanvasRd., Fayetteville, AR mm. Fultt Bethany D (Sophomore), 1404liltlc, Grandview, MO - Jeremy (Senior), 7600 Fagle Point Dr., N_ LittleRock,AR 72116. Sara OuniorJ. 1420Culberson, Mesquite,LX 75150;67, 298. Futxhi Orgcs Ounior), RRUGA"Arkitekt Sinani", TIrana, Futnl'lI Cara L(Grnduate). POBox494, Searcy.AR 7214S-O-l94. Fyff. Den.'k (SophDmorc), 42J.1Case, Houston, TX 77005. JoimC (Freshman), 8644 VannRd., N<."Wburpl. IN 47630; 103,JnS. C.bwi LeslieA(Freshman), 1IllVxgkl'l-'c I..ane, Bentooville,AR 7Z712;304. G.ble Alan (Senior), 1(»7B1anketsCreekDr., Canton,.GA 30114. jared (Senior), IOUBlanketsCR'ek DR, Canton. GA 36114 G"ddis Me~ Ounior), 412Sylvia St. Longview,LX i'!i6m-115; 82.277 G~di~rdo Clifford (5enior),3730Forni Rd., PLxetville, CA%f;K,7; tn, 285, 293, 197, 299, G~ines Elixabelh (Graduate), I(Jl3Skyline Drive, N. Little Rock, AR 72116. Will~'UTI [))fl (Freshman), 316CindyCO\-e, Ripley, TN 38063; 100. Col. Keith A (Senior), 11922 Syl\'an Heights Road, Burlington. 1A 52601-8.52;48. G"ll~er Sarah K(Sophomore), 15096WethetbumDr,CenIre\-ille, VA 20120-3922; Iffi,Z76, 28.1 G;olloway Jonathan (Senior),2502 Hanover Ct, Rowlctt, TX 7SOO8565;67. l.cslie A(Freshman), 2502 HanoverCt, Rowlctt, TX i'SC68; 100,m,3(12. Gammon l.cslie D (Sophomore), 3505 Underwood Rd SE,Conyen;, GA J(X)13-2901; 103. Gampp Kara OuniQr). 6860RidgewayCt, Pickerington, OH 43147-897. Gang Adam (Senior), 18013Promise Rd., Noblesville, IN 46060, 311. C.M Andy (5enio~-), P.O. Box 435, Rogersvillc,AL 35652-<ID; 67,273.299,301, 306. r:>ianIy (Grnduate), tnVillage Drive, Fayettevilk, AR mm Joshua L(Freshman), 826 ESunriseCourt. Ozark. Me 65721; 103. Gant Rachel (Senior). fR19Autunm lakeTrail. Hi.xIu1. TN 37J.U-257; 48, 290. C~~ Ashley l (Freshman), ZDPathway, EI Dorado,AR 71730; 103,283,J(W. Bill (Senior),HU Box10817, Searcy,AR 71.149;281,298Cliff (Staff),2(8SCIQSIS,Searcy,AR 72143. Clifton L(Faculty). 19 HardingDr, Searcy,AR 72143; 134, 135,146CkborahL(StUf), 19HardingDr, Searcy,AR 72143; 146Landoo Brady (Freshman), 19HardingDri\'(', Searcy,AR 72143; 281, 298. Gan:Q Antonio (Seni0!'), 128KeithRd.,Sean::y,AR 72143; 14; 48, 190,213,285,288,197,299,298Jose G (Freshman), 113lronard lane, Searcy. AR 72143. Gardner Allen D (Staff). 1(}l14 Centcnni.,l Rd., Cabot, AR 72023. Angela K(Senior), 4430 Kenya lane, Pasadena, LX 775U5. Butch (Staff), 144 PondCI'OSll Dr., Searcy, AR 72143; 287. Chcryl W (Staff), 501 N. CT06S, Searcy, AR 72143; 307 Jay P(Freshman), 38 OalcwoodDr., Searcy, AR 72143. Linda Diane (Graduate), POBox387,Glenwood,AR """ Mary (StUf), 38 Da"-:wood Dr., Scan:y, AR 72143. Robert A(Freshman), 706Woodland Dr., Rogers, AR 72756; '1G7. Stacey (Graduate), 13Mockingbird La.nc, Vlkria,AR no?> G~rgi5 Ashley (Senior), 2965 CR 81, florence, AL 35633-211;48, 286. Garita Jorge Ounior);67, 234. GalTllu }en:my (Senior), 3((l NW J(X) Rd., Oscrota, MO 64776;48. G~er Amy (Scnior),2IlI Pembroke Dr., Braodon. M5 3900'-816. ealth Science Club. Row 1: H. Grant, A. Thompson, ~ . Relyea, S. Jones. Row 2: A. Greenway, K. Fagala, ~. Owens, J. Dean, L. Christian. Row 3: D. Duke, B. eck, W. Arnett. A. Dishongh. Row 4: L. Babvani, B. Varley, A. Hamilton. Honors Association. Row 1: E. Steiner, N. Kearns, N. Wright. C. Nicholson, T. DiMaria. H. Relyea, P. Garner. Row 2: H. Kennington, S. Sanderson, M. Sanderson, J. Walters, J. Powell, S. Gibson, J. Keller, K. Cess, B. Lam. Row 3: J. Culbertson, D. Manor, A. Thompson. C. Kinsella, B. Northen, American Society of Interior Design. Row 1: M . Bury, J. Benedict, A. Frank, A. Roberson, K. Wallis, H. Thompson. Row 2: A. Erb, A. Cox, K. Nickell, K. Ford, l. Powell. B. Nordyke, J. Benedict, M. Perry, K. Stewart, l. Brown, K. Flewellen, K. McDonald. Row 4{a): D. Bielefeld, D. Sanders, S. Salley, A. Baker, M. Stickler, K. Ramsey, A. Ganus, K. Osburn. Row 4(b): A. Wilson, B. Stone. A. Kent. C. Brown. A. Rusk, C. Beagle, B. Abell, T. Curtis. Row 5: S. GaJlagher, M. Alexander, M. Thiede, S. Brown, E. Healy, A. Zahler. M. Cunningham. K. Pickerill, C. McCorTTIick, E. Jackson, A. King, N. King, C. King, S. Kersey, D. Baird. Row 6: K. Reese, D. Reese, C. Bills, C. Kirk, E. Parkinson. A. Brown, J. Knight, G. Parks, S. Auahverdian, l. VlCk, D. Bowers. Row 7: C. Sullivan, J. Eichhorn, J. Bundy, P. Thompson, A. Thompson, T. Freeman, K. Harkness, B. Winland. K. Hartman. Row 8: C. Borchers, J. Eckman, E. DuBoise, M. Sprague, J. Byram, J. Hopper, l. Jones. Row 9: D. Mclaughlin, O. McGraw, l. Chapman, A. Conley, H. Hawkins, l. Dunyon. Row 10: R. McCready, P. Thompson, K. Milner, E. Grampp, Z. Spivey. index If 283