2003-2004 Yearbook

Cook Deborah Lynn (Graduate), 827 W. Washington. Jonesboro, AR 72401. Elizabeth Uunior), 5520 Pine Forest Rd., Walnul Hilt FL 32568-171. Emily (Senior), 4 East Lake Dr., N. Little Rock,. AR n 1l6. Katrina (Graduate), 22 West MainStreet, Merrimac, MA 01860; 228. Kelley (Senior), 4021 FM 2781. Croveton, TX 75845. Kristin (Freshman), 12Q Qaklawn Rd., Siaffont, VA 22554. Mary Louella (Staff), 1 \Vt-stview, Searcy, AR 72143 Natash" (Senior), 301Craig. Searcy, AR 72143. Ryan F (Graduate), 2637 Indianapolis, Des Moines, IA 50317; 228. Sarah (Senior), 120Qaklawn Dr.,Staffo!)1, VA 22554651 ShaJmonT (Senior), 1219 Wade Ave., Judsonia, AR no81-891; 45. Toby (Graduate), 112 Cedar Hills Loop, Scranton, AR 72863. William (Sophomore), 3843 Sugar Lane, Sarasota, FL 34235-901; 81. Coob David C (Sophomore), 4551 W. Oakland Dr" Springdale, AR 72764, Luke A (Senior), 5991 Explorer, Bartlett, TN 38134; 64 Sally (Graduate), 5042 North Si;<lh 51reel, Blytheville, AR 72315 Cookuy Samantha Elizabeth (Graduate), P.O. Box 251198, Little Rock, AR 72125. Cooley Belinda F (Grilduate), 175Coombe Rd., &tId Knob, AR 72010. Erin J (Freshman), 15078County Rd. 2192, Snyder, TX 79549. Pamela (Graduate), 201 Clark St., &Id Knob, AR 72010; 165. Coo~r Ivy (Sophomore), 3125Oak Hill Rd., Carrollton, TX 75007-354; 81. lezleyAnne (Senior), 617 81'\'fltlawnCt., Nashville, IN 3721Q;282. Lindsey (Sophomore), 9367 Artz.Road, New Carlisle, OH 45344. Rachel (Senior), 603 N. Broadway, Pitman, NJ 08071; 45,298. Rachel M (Junior), P.O. Box 15, Steele, MO 63877-001; 'I Ryann (Graduate), 9 Evergro::n Rd., Cabot, AR 72023. Steven Michael (Faculty), 705 Reynolds 5t., Sheridan, AR 72150. Cooperwuud Kalecna (Ffeshm.~n), ]IOCrossSt., P.O. Box 755, Kensett, AR mo. COp"land A"U"OIlA (&.onior), 1515ER.~St., Searcy,AR 72143. Alisa (Smior), 15135tonchcl"1~ Place, Uttle Roci<,AR 72212-387. Andrea (Sophomore), 1515E. RoceSt.,Sean:y;AR 72143; 'I Kallic R.aV!IC (GradU.1te), 297S MC 71)23, Aippin, AR -. Nathan (Sophomore),3C6GoOOn Rd., Pr.IttvilJe.AL 36067;81. William III (Senior), 13Cirnarrol ValleyCr., I.ittk>Rod<, AR 72212-350;45,224,295,312. Corbin BobJ(Faculty), lSOI Ocmet-Dr.,Searcy. AR 72143; 145. Corbitt Audrn (Graduate), 18168Tarnar;tC, Fayctteville,AR 7.lJO.I. Cordell Jonathan D. (Seniur), 131 CR I42,Comins. AR 72422; 45. Cordova IrvingBenjamin (Senior), Mam.ana I.lote 15A, CoIinasd, G~""",, ConolLa Jan-Mid\aeI Baz (Sophomore), 9763 E. Sheena Dr., Srottsdale,AZ 85260; 101. Tara Mae B(Sophomore), 9763 E. Shcma Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 8S26O;81,.309. Corley Amber D(F~), 1701 HafIO'I.'eI" Dr., Richardson.. TX ""'I Russcli EOWlior), 1701 tiano\wDr., Richardson, "IX 75001;81. C~ Sus.mRenee (Graduate), 2221 6ethIehem Road, I..o:wtoke, AR "'"'. Cornejo Cintya (Senior), 20C.Ole W Col. IVU, SantaAna; 64. Com•• Jcsska (Sophomore),9588CookLn., Miamisburg. OH 45342; 101, U7. Cornine Kevin (Sophomore), SO) LuckySt., Fayette, MO 65248; 81. Daniela ColTalcs (senior), 245 C_ KaraD (Sophomore), 38Brenda lrI., Merrimack, NH 03054; 101, 274, 283. Castello I<amDaniellI' (Freshman), I69401d Hi.lJsboroRd., Franklin, TN 37069; 101. Casto1o ClaireM(F~), 215BoleyAve, Picayune, M5 394662525; 101,.309. Co!hren AngiIa (Sophomore), 1306s. Dorng.hey, Conway, AR 72(62;81. C.....,l Julia (Graduak'). PrertonW(Freshm.m), 1013564th Lane N., Pinclla.s Park. R.. 33?82; 101, 276Coubrough Andm.v ~),340OrvisCt~ I..oveland.CO 1Il537; 198. Co." Emily (Sophomore), 1104Hilkn5t Ave., Tahlcquah,.OK 74464-461;81, 313. Ruth L(Gr~duate), I03Go/fSt., Beebe, AR nol2. Co=" Brian (Graduate), 25 Park Ridge, Maumelle, AR 72113. DalIasR (Freshm.m), 1247E. Foxhill Dr Apt 103, Fresno, CA 93720 Courson Adam 5 (Sophomore), 5094 Robbie Bums, Bcamsvilk, Ontruio, Covey Christie leA,Ul (Graduate), 306 Bayard, Hot Springs Nali<nal,AR 71901. Covington Ann (Gradu~t~),~BrooI<buryCl"065ins. Fayettevilk, AR "'III Malis/;a Ounior),6200 Big Ben Dr., louisville, KY 40291210;64. Cowart Kandace (Graduate),2709SW8th Street, Bentonvillc,AR 7271' C., Ami (Scnioc), 31SSAnrla St., B.~tesvilJc,AR nsol~l;64, JOt. Amy K(Faculty), 31 Hartwell Circle, Searcy. AR 72]435ffi6; 146,.283. ArielIe R(Sophomorc),351StoneyPointOtun:hRd. Beebe,AR 72012;99. CaseyL(Sophomorc), 415 Audley Bolton Dr., Searcy, Andy Roddick, of the United States, holds the men's singles U.S. Open tennis tournament trophy Sept. 7. Roddick defeated Juan Carlos Ferrero, of Spain, to capture the winning title. (AP Photo) AR 72143. Dana lea (Graduate), 115 E. Unity Rd., Paragould, AR 724SO. Erin M (Frcshman.), 16M5 ParkAve~ litusville, FL J2?8); 101. GeraldG (StafI),(;IJl Eastv."OOd Dr~ Searcy,AR 72143; 146. Jared E(Graduate),415 AudleyBolton Dr., Sean:y; AR 72143. Joel D (Frcshman.); 33, 101,298. Justin;96 Katrina Marie(Grnduate),2119Cedarh~Benton. AR 72015. Circle K. Row 1: S. Beasley, H. Holland, S. Wood, K. Ray, J. Foresee, E. Daulton. Row 2: N. Kearns, J. Holland, A. Long, A. Sember, S. Wolf, J. Chick. Row 3: R. Love, K. Love, J. Powell, J. White, A. Battistelli, R. Crocker, P. Cottrell. Civitan. Row 1: B. Sharp, R. Dillon, A. Roberts, C. Pierpont, B. Tovar. Row 2: H. Brown, D. Lake, C. Watson, C. Daigle, J. Picklesimer. College Republicans_ Row 1: J. Eckman. S. Gallagher, C. Girouard, M. Harrington. Row 2: N. Dayal. P. Stinnett, B. Crowell, P. Rampey. Row 3: L. Lovett, B. Cherry, A. Pinney, P. Hernandez. 27611index