2003-2004 Yearbook

" When you're a wife and you have a baby on the way, there are so many things that must, be accomplished " in a 24-hour day. - senior Jessica Swindle 26 /I student life day by day creativity breaks monotony Senior Jessica Swindle tried to resist the temptation to hit the snooze button every day at 6:45 a.m. Swindle, and her husband, Jeremy. Harding School of Biblical Studies student, both had 8 a.m. classes. The commute from the west side of Searcy was not always simple due to Searcy High School traffic. Jessica Swindle, who was pregnant, attended classes until after noon. After classes, she went home to pay bills and do chores. "When you're a wife and you have a baby on the way, there are so many things that must be accomplished in a 24-hour day," Jessica Swindle said . Single when she began her college career, Jessica Swindle said her daily life was busier because of her marriage. "Yes, it's busier because it's not just me I'm taking care of," she said. "It's not just my stuff that has to be taken care of." The Swindles weren't the only couple who struggled with juggling a marriage and everyday college responsibilities. Seniors Enrique and Amanda Colon said they found it difficult to spend time together during the semester, because both attended classes and worked full time. Enrique Colon, who worked wo jobs and fulfilled an internship requirement in the fall, said his schedule was hectic, especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays. "I get up at 7 a.m., go to Athlete's Choice for my internship from 8 a.m. until noon and attend a graphic design class until 4 p.m.," he said. "Then on Thursdays, 1 go to work. I get off at 10 p.m. and then I go home and do homework." Amanda Colon, a full-time student, worked 40-hour weeks at Bath and Body Works. "We don't see very much of each other," Amanda Colon said. "We kind of have to make time to see each other." Amanda Colon appreciated her and her husband's busy schedules each day because of the lessons she learned. "It's tough, but you learn to appreciate the moments that you do have together/' she said. "In a way it has helped our marriage, not hurt it. We've grown closer and [learned] to maximize every little moment." - Sara Van Winkle Sophomore Stefanie Sanderson writes in her journal on the front lawn. The front lawn was a favorite spot for students to enjoy the outdoors between classes. (Photo by Amy Beene)