2003-2004 Yearbook

Tammie (Cooper) (Crad... ,te),411 CraigDr., Searcy, AR 2143; 165. Oubb ~Gwt'ndoI (Graduate), 110Kenyvillc Dr., Searcy,AR 2143. C~" Jennifer i'ilrI= (Graduatc), 100 Brooke Moor Lane, Hot prlngsNatimal,AR 71913. Cobb Granl {Senior),23365Bat Ca\'e Rd., SanAntonio, TX 8266-268;45. Coble Stclanie (Senior), RR I Box78. Vamanl, MO 6Sl6&m; ,286. Cocci. Michael (Senior);45. Cochnn Ca<;ey Ounior), 1974N. ColumbusSt., I..ancastc!; OH 3130-154;64. Olristopher Dewayne (Freshman), 31 Harding Drive, earcy,AR 72143. Jordan D (Sophomore), 6202 Est.'\Cldo iJI.,AmariIIo, IX 9109. Murray Ross (Faculty),31 Harding 1)r.,Searcy,AR 72143; 45 Nita (Graduate), 31 Harding Dr" Searcy, AR 72143. Cockrell Diana B (Senior),929Ashland Ct., MiIIlSficld, IX 7606J; 5,268 CocIuum Pam (Graduatc), 2016ClarkRoad, Clarksville, AR 72830. Cody TommyDale (Graduate), 1616 Leawood St., Bentor1. AR 2015. C~1ho lana Maria (Graduate), 13314 Teton Drive, UttlcRock. AR 211. Cofer Andrea 5(Graduate). Cohen Patrid<; 0 (FreJunan), I8XI StartingDrh-e,}onesboro,AR 2401. Coimun JulioH (Fre;hman), 1l~ w. Pleasure, Scarcy,AR 72143; n Michelle l{Faculty). 11~W. Pleasure, Searcy. AR 72143; 5. Coker Acacia L{Freshman), 6OOJoyce,Sean:y, AR 72143; 101. Deborah (Graduate). 12HickoryLane, M~wncUc, AR 2113. Robin H (Staff),600JoyceSt, Searcy,AR 72143; 141 Cole Amory Ouniof), 21209 WolbraflCh Rd., MI. Dora, FL 2757. Ann louise (Graduate), 7W? Riviern Orivef:l1rTl, Fort mith,AR 72903. B.ubara C. (SIaff),35Whitco.'lkCircle, Searcy, AR 72143; 22 Eri<; (ScrUor), r.0. Box 721, Gatc:svillc, TX 76528; Z743. Harlic David (Faculty),35 WhiteOakCir, Sc.'rcy, AR 2143; 145 Jefhry (Sophomore),2435 Mirage Dr, CoLoradoSprings, 0 80920-672; 124. Jennifer (Senior), 6641 Troon Wily, Indianapolis, IN 46237; 5., ~ Marro (Senior), RD632 10351, Philadelphia, MS 39350; ",- Michael (Senior),74100xiord 1"Iace, R:rlSmith, AR 2<m423. Rebecra Lauren Ounior),421 PineTree Lane, ~AR 2-t54--123;64,313. SandyArm (Graduate),324AStrret..1'orre5t City,AR Zm. Dr. Neale Pryor, distinguished professor of Bible, describes the effects of crucifixion in a chapel speech during the fall gospel meeting Sept. 3. The gospel meeting, sponsored by the College church of Christ and the uni~ versity, was a five-part series titled "Fundamentals of our Faith." (Photo by Russell Keck) Stephanie (Senior), 259Conway Road, JudsQnia,AR 72001. Coleman luke (Sophorncon:,), 115JordanL.n,Scarcy, AR 72143;78, 277,301 Coley Byron D (Freshman), 2902 Vmlura, AbiIenc,IX 'i'9605; 101, 296. Erin Ounior), 2498 Kenwood lane, Bartlett, TN 38134. Colgrove Eric (Senior), Box564, Newcastle, WY 8Z701;217, 285, 288, m ,299. Coli.. AngeLa B(Staff), 6Colonia1 HcighIsI4,Scan:y, AR 72143. Collier OtristieR(Fre;hman), 21)15 Mt. BadonLane,CordO'o'a, TN 311)16; 100, JOt Ovistopher (Senior), <Jl Hilkrest Ln., Willingboro, NJ 011<»6-123 Larissa Michelle (Freshman), 2200 5 Vermont, Independence, MO 64ffi2; 101; 293; 298. Nathan OLmior), 88OAlamroa Ave., 5hclfield Lake,OH 44054; 62, 264, 62, 301, 312 Collirl!l Benjamin (Sophomore), 6725 River BirchRd., Memphis, TN 38119--561; '1h7,278. Christopher J(Sophomo",), 1454 SW Seagull Wily, Pahn City, FL 34990; 101. Darryl Cornell (Freshman), 4Cly<;e Rowe Ct, Jonesborough.1N 37659-8606. David Wayne (Staff), 100Choctaw, Searcy, AR 72143; 141. Gilry R (Staff), 129Ca5e Road, Judsonia, AR 72lII1. KcnncthC~), 14511 Cypres5VICW, Cypress, IX 77429. Raqucl Alcjaoora (Graduate). 1235 PSf., Fresno, CA 937211819. Rcbt.'CI:a (Senior), 129Case Road,Jud5onia,AR 72081. Santiago (Graduate), 506West V~St,Searcy,AR 72143; 256;266. 9\awn (Senior), 118 Cindy In., Scan:y,AR 72143. Colon Amanda (Senior). 130Mill Rd, Kensett, AR 72002; 45. Candace l (Graduate), Z535 Montecito,Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Enrique (Senior), 96 PaineAve.,Cranston. RI 01910; 45; 291. Julio (Sophomore), 96 PaineAw~., Cranston, RI 01910; 78, 271. Colston Brandon N (Freshman), 4828 Na\'ajo Way, R. Worth. TX 76137. Colvert lcz.leyA(Senior)617 BrentLawn Court, Nashville. TN 37220;45. Colvin Jamie (Sophomore). 1999 Highway 3S W, MontiO'Uo, AR 71655. Scott (Senior), 4119 PinOak Dr.,JeffersonCity, MO 651()9..94L Combs Emily (Senior), 2817 Montrose, Bartlesville, OK 74006. Natalie B(Sophomore), 2817 Montrose, Bartlesville, OK 74006. Compton Kristi (Sophomore), I20J je",my iJI., Fort Gibson, OK 74434-781. Conder ChristQpher (Sophomore), 3135BentonSt, Apt 4, Searcy, AR 721.u. CondoloR. David (Senior), 6405 ~bridgeDr., East Syracuse, NY 13057-143; 302. ~ (Senior),6405 Wembridge Dr., East Syracuse, NY 13057;45Cone AlexanderT(Freshman), 36GloucesterStreet, Uttle Rock.-AR 7TlI7; 101,312. James P (Senior),36Giou<:esler Dr., U!tleRock. AR 722Z7·21l;45,1l7, 273. Justin OLmior),6213 CanyonTr., Fort Worth. IX 76135; 240, 210. Conblone Benjamin OLmior). 7!J:l Hawthorne Rd., BethJ.eham.- PA 18018, Conley Ana Mae (Faculty), 606 PinOak Dr., Searcy,AR 72143; 145. William H (Freshman); 283. Conn Curtis (Senior), 443 E. Washington, Arrola,1L 61910; 45. Robert (Senior), 2127MaplcCreck Cir.,AnnArbor, MI 48100-960; 274 Ryan (Sophomore), 21Z?Maple CreekGr, AnnArbor, Ml 48108; 101, 266. Conner Bradley 5 (Senior), 4() Blue Heron Dr._Thornton, CO 80241-410; 64. lynda OW"lior), P.o. Box 601, Durant, OK 74702-060; 124. Marshall R(Senior), P.O. Box905, Elizabeth, CO 8010'7; " Connett M.,rk (Senior), 1007MooIc.St., Brandon. FL 33510-291; 45, 27ll. Contreras 0Irist:ian)a5e (Sophomore), 99u8-39, Zma17, Guatemala. ConWAy Patricia (Graduate), 2UMaddox Rd., Jacksonville,AR =. Conyers I...eeArm (G.OO.uate), 1443PorterSt., BaIeS\~AR 72501. elles and Beaux. Row 1: S. Veech, B. Curtis, A. :handler, E. Dell, M. Brown. Row 2: J. C. Powell. C. arron, J. Brown, M. Stinham, B. Neeley. Row 3: M. ammons. O. Ezel1, M. Pruitt, C. Hicks. Bison staff. Row 1: S. West, M. Price. J. Mil1er; Row 2: O. Thomas, J. Hunter, M. Barger, P. Miller; Row 3: C. Seright. R. Lewis, J. Beauchamp. Campus Players! Alpha Psi. Row 1: D. Mullins. N. Graham, C. Noah, B. Lynn, R. Gray, M. Rolen, S. Loveland. Row 2: M. Morgan. A. Sullivan. E. Sullivan, G. Winter, J. Girton. Row 3: A. Bocks. T. Meadows, J. Ashlin. A. Miller. index II 275