2003-2004 Yearbook

r. David Johnson, professor of finance, plays bagpipes in front of the enson Auditorium on a September afternoon. Johnson, who has been playing e bagpipes as a hobby for around six years, said he owns seven sets of bag– ipes. (Photo by Russell Keck) 126;78. Courtney E(Fre;hman), 5613Nao'Unan furest Api 2134, arland, TX 75044;:JJ9. DanielG (Staff),510 W. Academy,Sem~y, AR 72143. IRAnna Lyn (Graduate), 100PumiceDr., ShenvoocI,AR 120. E. Dean(Graduate), 1mPumiceDr.,Sherwood,AR 72120. Hannah {Sophomore); 'ITl. Holly (Graduate), 1703Cindy Lane, Wynne, AR 72396. Jason (Graduate), 1501BeUwood,Conway, AR 72004. JasonR(Fn::5hman), 79J() Gan/ieIdCr., ColorndoSprings, co ""'" Jennifer (Senior), 4825 Lariat Trail, N. Richland Hills, TX 76111); 17, 44, 169,213,J(R. jessica (Senioc),7OOJCass)'t'C",...,Austin, 1)( 'l't57':IJ-m; 44,213,303. Michael (Senjor),510W.Arndemy,&'.m:y,AR 72143;44, 131, 213, 2'73, 295,301,303, 309. Mindy (Sophornono),811 W. McRae Ave.,Sean:y, AR 72143;78,»1. Sara {Senior),.l55t N. Berkcley LakeRd., OuIuth,GA 30096-304; 245, In, 273. Shernh (Graduate), 504 N. C.u;;;I3,Se.=y,AR 72143 Tracy (Graduate), P.O. Box223, Leslie,AR 72645. Com,., Marlena Kay (Graduate),5 GradyLane, Mayflower,AR 72106. Com,.. Amber (Senior),419WashingtmPl, Wylie, TX 'lS(l9S.711; 124. Andrea N (Fre;hmao), 419Washingtm PI, Wylie, 1)( 75098-7118; 101,J09 Keylor Enrique (Fre5hman), A" ....da Piln;.casa nurnero 42. SanJose; 101,209. Can~dy Christy {Senior), 1138RobinsonRd., ElmGrove, LA 71051-87"4; 44, 290, JO.J. \\btdy (Senior), 1138 ROOinsoo Rd., ElmGrove, LA 71051-874;311. ""'oIK EdgardoS (Sophomore), MazapanSchool. Apt. 1747, Gulfpon,MS 39502;78,3m. Candy Mary L(Sophomore), 1091 L.akcw<XXI Tr., Collierville, TN 38017; 78, 3OS. C~nnon Willhm (Sophomore), 125 Vtn"antSt., BrooksAFD, TX 78235; 78, 3m. Cantrell AndraJ (Freshman), 29 Foxanna Dr., CarlisLe, PA 17013; lOl, 'ITl, 302 CarricS(Freshman),29 Foxanna Dr., Carlisle, PA 17013; JOI, 'ITl, 313. laurm (Senjor),54100\arterOakF1ace,jacksm. MS 39211;273,313. Cantwfll Stacy Ounior);63,303. CMbonnfau NathalieC (Freshman), 18714 Utica Rd. Utica,OH -08). 9705; 191,2'1l,298, 299. e.... Alina E(Graduate), HUBox 12603,Scarcy,AR 72149. Man:el1):)ro (Graduate). c.ro.. Eric (Senior), 6507 \"IillowSprings Bhxl., Huntsville, AL ".,. c.mmol Carlo6 (Sophomore), Colonial Los Robles rv Eta.pa It, Managua;78. Cardin JohN (Graduate), 18005Quail Run Drive, Little Rock, AR 72209. Cudoso Nicole (Graduate), 1810N\-V117thTerrace, P~mbroke Pin~s, FL 33026. Ca~thers R()ru\ S.(Graduate), 2803 WIn' Road, Clarksville, AR 728J<l Carland Phil (Sophomore), 125Old Jordan Rd, East Flat Rock, NC 28726; 101. Culson Robert (Senior), 13359W. AlvaradoDr., Goodyeilr, AZ 85338;44, 3ffi. CarlJward Kevin (Freshman), 703537th Street, VernBeach, FL 32966. CunMt.rn William Isaac (Freshman), 1412 Sylvia Dr., IledJord, TX 76021. Carnathan Patrick D(SerUor),2118 Briar Ridge, Tupelo, M5 3800+- 661;44,194. c.mJ.y MorganE(Freshman), SOOGranada Way. Longwood, FL 32750; 101. Cupentfr Janie (Graduate), 1820Columbia Dr.,Conway,AR 72034. Lydia Ounior),2280Sccnic VIt'WDr., Nesbit, MS 38651883; 63, 222. 302. Pam (Graduate), 126Hclncr, Scarcy,AR 72143Sarah (Graduate), 36 Foxcroft Rd., New l-litrtfom,NY 13413; 122.,165,293. C~ Jay Ounior); 63. JcsscT (Sophornono), Booc 64:JCroCollegeDr, Bluefield, VA 24605;23. Jim (Staff), IOIOGolfVICWDr., Scarcy,AR nl43; 131,2tfl. JolmT Ounior),663Charles Larr,SpringHill.IN 31174; "'. Lindy L (Senior), 3882 uure! Hill Ul., Bartlett, IN 38135; ... Teddy (Senior), 414 HWY385 N, Judsonia, AR 72081. Travis (Senior), 909 Holmes Rd Apt 832, Searcy, AR nl43;44. Carranu Yuridia (Sophomore), 3901 Dante Ave., Memphis, IN 38128; 303. Carrell Cindy (Faculty), 10 Cattail, Searcy, AR 72143; 145. Scott A (Faculty), 10 Cattail, Searcy, AR 72143; 145. Carrigan Ben (Graduate), 1004 Hackett's Ct., Hendersonville, TN 37075; 35. Carroll Clara Jean (Faculty), 13 Cottonwood Dr, Searcy, AR 72143; 145. KristCl1'C Ounior), 4301 Old Oak Dr., Lilll~ Rock, AR 72212·1%; 64, 259, 266, 304. MOllica A (Sophomore), 27 Cottonwood Dr., Searcy; AR 72143-641; 78, 301. Thomas (Sophomore), P.O. Box 763, Monette, AR 72447-076; 78, 301. Carson Delores H (Staff), 119Clov~rdale, &'an:y, AR 7214.3; 139. Edward (Graduatc),320 \~JAvenue,NorlhLittle Rock, AR nll6-8l70. Kathy La.'JeU (Graduate), II); HoneysudJeLane, Lonoke, AR"""- c... Mallory Ounior),3610 BluebonnctCin;le, Weatherford., TX 76a17-93S; 78. c..., Outstopher M (Sophomore), 195 BluffYlewDr., BatesviIJe, AR 72501;101. Justin OWlior),4900 N. Rd. 400 West Bargersville, IN 46106-976Leslie (Sophomore), 2140 GardmCrest Dr., Rockwail, TX -. Cartwright Antolnt.'tle (Senior), 1241 W. Searcy, Kcn.sctt, AR 72002. Paul (Senior), 2102 Dublin Dr., LcagucCity, TX 77:iTJ; m,302,JO.J. Cilrul Catherine V(Sophomore), RJoaquim Tavora 303Apl71, SantoAndre, 09Cl30-J90; m. Carulhfrs .lady (Sophornore),3117Briarcliff, Bethany, OK 7:)))8;3t2 c..a. StacieA(Freshman), 14 Hyacinth Dr.,Nashua, NH 00062 C~y Avery (Freshman), 581 Tmtbcr RKlge ukeRd.,Graham, 1)( 76450; 101,300. Outstopher (Senior), 112 Po6tOakDr., Se.m:y,AR 72143; 44, 196,306. ErinM (Senior), 14526Fox Knoll Dr., CoioniaI Heights, VA 23834AR 7240-1; 44. rganizations and associations /I lpha Chi Malachi. Row 1: A. Gann, R. Faircloth, M. Semanek, . Cook, E. Kiser, J. Wrye, B. Turner, K. Cherry. Row 2: K. Kiser, . Alter, D. Gilmer, J. Williams. Row 3: M. Campbell, R. Meyer, . Teel, A. Wiegaud, K. Wendt, F. Smith, P. Cunningham III, C. lammitt. Row 4: M. Melvin, J. Wrye, M. Riddle, T. Hendrix, J. ades, K. Neller. American College of Healthcare Executives, Row 1: J.Knaack, E. Reding, A. Long, J. Bedwell. American Marketing Association. Row 1: K. Chandler, J. Rogers, D. Flachs, E. Bennett, M. White, B. Marcacci , A. Chism, D. Webster, R. Jones. Row 2: A. McAllister, K. Fry, S. Campbell, R. Briones, M. Figueroa, D. Diaz, R. Matanovich, A. Ferez, A. Shehaj, I. Osorio. Row 3: B. McCown, A. Dill, A. Jordan, G. Witham, N. Mahaffey, l. Cantrell, J. Thompson, M. Barger, B. Whitlock. Row 4: M. Davis, S. James, E. Cole, S. Brockwell, J. Weaver, M. Simmons, P. Cone, M, Shinn, l. Sloan. index II 273