Brazile Darin (Senior), 10]28 DStrret East, Throma, WA 9S44S; . Randy K(Sophomore), 10128 East DStrtoet, Tacoma. WA 8445; 78. ..... Crysl<ll (Senior), 2538 E. Wildwood Road, Springfield, to 65801. Rebekka Faye (Graduate), ]28Southeast Me., JImadge,OH 44278. Breeden D.micl 5 (Freshman), I09Cl.ayton Ct., East Pooria, ll.. 1611; 98, 291,312Bneding Brad Joel (Gradu.a~),671 N. Ridgeview Drive, Mountain IeW,AR 72560. 8reeueJ GarySteven (Faculty), ]212 Holmes Rd., Searcy, AR 2143; 145, 158. Brennan Kevin M (Senior), lOWeR233, Rorence, TX; 266, 310. Brenneman Nathan (Senior), 3506 White Horse Drive. SE, Rio ncl\o, NM 87124 Rachel (Senior), 3506 White Horse Drive, SE, Rio mchQ, NM 87124 Brewer Bobby (Sophomore), 7Ha.rtw<'l~ Scal'9" AR 72143. Rodger ~ (Fac;u!ty), Il3Cloverdale, searcy, AR 72143; 5. Bridges Alice Isabel (Graduate),309 WillowLoop, Loookc, AR 2006. Kevin R(Graduate), 159 LongviewCir.,Scarcy, AR 72143. MaryL(StaJf), uo1\J5t00k Or,Scarcy,AR 72143. PamelaJ(Staff), 159 LongviewCirde, Scarcy,AR 72143. Ryan (Graduate), 707Biiker Rd,CoIwnbia, 1N 38401. WilliamE(Staff), llOPost OakDr.Sean:y,AR 72143; 138, 9. BrighMn Rmata (Senior), P.O. Box330353, Houston..IX 77233. Bright Donna C (Faculty), 2I1JL()ngviewCirrlc,Searcy,AR 72143. Eleaoor (StafI),617South6th,Augusta,AR 7J:006. Hannon (Faculty), 130~VestcmHiIIs,Searcy,AR 72143; 145,276. Hayley (SophomoTe), 2817Dooblctree Dr_. R. Collins,Co. 80521; 78. JamesE(Sophomore), 8606FM "!JJl, Midland, TX 797065123; 78, 27S,Xl6. James Ray (Faculty), 906NHolly, Sean::y, AR 7214J. jessica N (Sophomore), 8Whippoorwill Drive, 5c;m;y, AR 72143; 309. Jonathan D(Freshman), 2516Garth Road, Huntsville,AL ""'1. Joshua R(Graduate), 12522 MillwayDr., Houston, TX 77070. Julie (Graduate), Il3SonicOriw, Scan:y, AR 7214J Kyle (Senior), 1010\\\x:dtuff752.,AugusIa,AR 7nl6-971; 213. Laura M (Freshman), 470 N.Arrowhcad Road, Vero Beach, Fl.. 32963; 98, 283, 302. Lis<I (Sophomore), PC. Box 1741. Searcy,AR nt45;78. MarilynAnn (Graduate), P.o. Box 56, Texarkana,TX """ M~rvin (Sophomore), PC. Box 1741,Searcy, AR 72145; 78 Ol~~t~~;mn)'P.o.. Box156, Lafayette, TN 37003Mcghan (Junior), 610Falls BayCourt.Alpharetta,GA JOO22 Melanie (Graduate), PO Box 1042,Carlis1e,AR 7202.4. Mitzi leAnne (Graduate), HC80 Box 745, Melboume,AR "". , PhilipAlan (Faculty),8Whipp<owill, Searcy, AR nt43; 145,167. Rosemary (Graduate), 12 Ridge Rd,Searcy, AR nt4J. RUS6ell (Senior), 2219E. Wea~Cirde,Highlands Ranch.CO 80126;42,.401. Ryan (Sophomore), 1614 ~IP\acc,Canullton, TX 7S007; 78, "Ul. s.-.rah (Junior),51Molt Hill Rd, East Hampton. cr 06424132;283. Steven (Junior), 1364 Bn:x:ll<roge Dr., Hamlin, NY 14464; ,.. I.icia (Senior),463? MarquetteCl. Springfield. MO 65a(I.I... 56;44,m LaurnA(Freshman), 46375MarquetteCt. SpMg6eld.. MO .5804-7561;98. Brimer DavissaElaine (Graduall':), 6«I1Jnda St., Bald Knob, AR 2010. A crowd waves as a British Airways Concorde Jet approaches the runway at London's Heathrcw airport Oct. 24. The third and final Concorde Jet made its last supersonic flight Oct. 24. (AP Photo) Tobias (Junior);266. Tr.ocey EL:tme (Graduate), rooBox6(5, Luxoca, AR 72358. Trewtte (Graduate), 1330StarficId Rd, North. LittleRock. AR 72116. W,mdaL(Graduate), 101 Tamara Ln.,Searqo;AR 72143 Browne • rimm William (Senior), 715 E. Federal St., SpearfISh, 50 57783. Brinley Anna (SOphomo.....), P.o.. Bo~ 45, Keller, TX 76244-004; 8,286,197,313 Briones Raul (Senior); 44, 273. . .-. Kalina (Graduate),5IOSycamore 51., Augusta, AR 720:16. TItania S (Freshman),99654th 51, Augusta,AR 72006812;98. Bri5tow Courtnie D(Frcshman), 126 VISta HC!TI"lOSa, Walnut Creek. Po 94596-39-18;98, 178, 304. Jenny (SerUor), Po. Box 387, Carencro, U. 7QS20..038; 213, Laura B(Junior), P.o. Box 3$7,Carmcro, U. 70520-038; ". Britt Emily (Smior),501N. Miller, BcnUc, MO 63822;44. Britton DemareeA(StafI), I928NMain. ~,AR 72143Bro.dw;oter Laura Ann (Freshman), 715East MainStn:et. BaleSville, .R nsol;98,26O,269. '~k BrandooK(Freshman), 1f1l~CtSmytn."l.1N 37167; <;< &-ott (Senior), POBox1132,Judsonia,AR 72001;273 Brocldnton MaryeJ(Graduate), P.o.. Box 8451,Jacksonvilie, AR nms. Brockwell Share (5enior),4L2SandyBranch Rd.,Martin, TN 38237;271 Brogdon James (Senior), 111 Conasaugua Troce,Chcrokre V~Jab'C, AR 72529; 'l$. Bronson JustinC (Sophomore), 2354MOOIl'fidd Rd, Danbury, NC 27016; 78. .~'" Erin (Graduate), 422 ANorthGrandStreet, Searcy,AR nl43. Pam (Graduate), 300BluffVIeW 0ri''C, Ball:SVilIc, AR =1. Rcbeo;a (Junior),87ffiCrestbrookCirde,OliItIaI-.ooga,1N 37421-630;63,Zl8, 290. Samantha (Sophomoce)"LittleRock.AR 72211;78,30'). ."""""" Maggie (Junior),25t)l MaryeStreet, Alexandria,. U. 71301; 309. t! II ... •• i ...----- . _ 4- ... 1- ,.. \ (lJ .. , ~ - -- - 003 Men's Tennis. Row 1: S. Paine, D. Ferreira, D. Bullington, K. Schmidt. Row 2: A. ikora, A. Giron, T. Tensly. Brown AaronG (SophomoIe), 1504~tsideDr, ShcTman,. TX 73092·3316;98, Zl8, 283, 285, 296. Adam (Senior), 86 KnoUwood Dr.,Newport News, VA 236ClI; 311. Alison (Junior), 3309 HiekoryGrove Rd. N., Valdosta, GA 31606; 63, 274, 304. Amanda (Senior), 1504WCstside,Sherman, TX 73092; 213, 275. Amanda (Junior), 1013 Haniing. Essexville, MJ 48?32;31 Amber C (Freshm:IIl), 6214 Brookline Drive, lndianafX.>lis, IN 46220; 98, 220. Amber E(Junior), 110Brentwood Ave., Fort Thomas, KY 41075;301,313. Amy (Graduate), 1301 Wallis5l,Searcy,AR nl43-7216 ~ (Sophomon.», 280Airport Road, Russellville, KY 42276;78. BrandooA(Freshman), llffiSpruceSt, Augusta,AR ,.". BruceJ(Freshman), <JO.I Merritt,5c;m;y,AR 72143Cameron (Graduate), 1600E\'eningSt.,w18vil-w, TX 95606. Carrie E lSophort>on'}, I(f)SouthwoodOrin-, BossierCity, U. 7111l.(Q)5;98, 221,W,W,JOt. CaryDenney (Graduate), 7D7WCen~Se.lTC)',AR nl43. Tammy (Graduate). Brownfield Usa. Renee' (Graduate), 1257PidQ'f\SChapdRd. Searcy, AR nl43. Brubrdt :=Xjl~(Staff), lOS Deer RidgeDr, Searcy, AR nt43. Joe Stephen (Faculty), 175OscarSmith Rd, McRae, AR nt02; 145 JOShU.1Joe (Fll.'Shman), 175 Oscar Smith Road, Me Rae, AR 72102. Linda F(Faculty), 175 Oscar Smith Rd, McRae, AR 72102. Bruner Christine (Junior), 19923 Cront'St' Ln., Apple Valley, CA 92308; 63, 313 Brunetti SethA (Freshman), 5(1l o.-.Iewood Court, RlJ5.5Cllville, AR nsol. Bruni Christine (Junior), 2610 Pcppermill Court, Middleburg. FL 32Q68; 181. Bruning lsaacJenJc.ins (Graduate), 313 SBenton, Searcy; AR 72143. 2003 Men's Track. Row 1: K. Penn, B. Collins, R. Fisher, S. Wietecha, S. Arberry, J. Weaver, M. Jones, S. Barrios, E. Koech. Row 2: S. Collins, E. Molot, G. Luna, R. Bond, T. Kemmerer, J. Colon, B. Green, D. Knudsen, J. Rotich, M. Miereczko. index II 271