2003-2004 Yearbook

memorial Lott TuckerJr. Senior Vice President 1927-2004 LottTucker Jr., 76, senior vice president, d ied of complica– tions from a stroke March 7. Tucker joined the Harding business office staff after his gradu– ation in 1951 and was named vice president for finance in 1970. He served as senior vice presi– dent from 1996 until the (ime of his death. "We lost a giant in Christian education over the weekend," Presi– dent David Burks said in chapel March 8. "He's been a key admin– istrator during three presidential periods." Tucker worked under Harding presidents George Benson, Clifton Ganus and Burks. In addition to his work at Hard– ing, Tucker served the community of Searcy by filling a seat on the Searcy Municipal Planning Com– mission for 36 years. He also served three terms on the Searcy Chamber of Commerce board and was president in 1970. "He's p robably done more to build relations with the city and county than any other individual," Burks said. Tucker was survived by his mother, Dora Lang Tucker; his wife, Mae Anne Songer Tucker, whom he married in 1951 ; two sons, Stephen, a Little Rock physician, and David, an educator in Portland, Ore.; and six grandchildren. fall athletics /I 2003-2004 Cheerleading. Row 1: J. Hughes, K. Carroll, E. Augsberger, J. Smith, H. Threm. Row 2: L. Riley, S. Rockhold, T. Tucker, C. Anderson, S, Watkins, E. Dumas. Row 3: L. Schmidt, B. Graul, T. Pearrow, J, Graul, W, Heid, 266 II index a ~~~. R(Freshman . ),1I014CR37U7,Wills Pornt, TX 75169 Jerulifer L(Freshman), 153N. PeIShingDr" Lancaster,OH 43130. Abol Mallory0 (Freshman), 111 Lake VISta Dr., Hendersonville,1N 371J75.5152; '17 Abell Rebecca L{Freshman}, 9040BridgetowneCove, Germ,mtown,1N 3813%650;'17,283,298,:'(16. Abercrombie El.iz.abeth {Senior}. 8004 Rebecca Dr., UttleRock,. AR 722CYi1- '" Maranda (Sophomore},8004 Rebecca Dr"Uttle Rock, AR 712f».737;313. Abernathy Ouista (Senior), 2\XI5 AeetwookDr., Killeen, TX 76593;63. Abrams CaseyW {Freshman}, Rt. 5Bux ~, Duncan, OK 73533; '17 Adair Scott EI1is (Farulty), 39 Hm:Iing Dr.•Searcy. AR 72143; 145 Ad~ Alicia (Senior), 7371SterlingSpringsWay, BurIin&'tOn, KY 41005-883;43.292. AUan R(Sophomore), 2'iill E14thSt.,Ada,OK 748:W Amanda (Sophomore), 73nSterlingSpringsWay, Burlington. KY 41005-883; '17; 313 Amanda K(Freshman), 10143 Bunker Rd., Leesburg. FL "'" CarolJ (Staft), 106 IndianTrail, Searcy,AR 72143. Carol. Lynn (Faculty), 606 River Oaks Blvd" Searcy,AR ?2143. Daniel Dean (Farulty). 114Western !-lills,Searcy,AR 72143; 145.291 Emily A(Freshman),3525 Colonypt W, Nashville, 1N 372174500;'17.288,3(17. Glen M (Faculty), 1206RehobothDr" Searcy,AR 72143; 145, 290. HeathS (Freshman), 13MagnoliaDr., Searcy;AR 72143-57(6; 'fI JanaK (Staft), 11 Magnolia,Searcy, AR 72143 Joel {Sophorno...,}, 5896Cort\ctt Ct., Huber Heights,OH 45424--263;71,301 Lindsay Ounior), 77.31 OubLake Dr., Houston, IX 7JlN5. 1h2;304. Mark (SeniOJ).3525CoioflyPoint West Nasiwille,1N 37217; ".300 Midlad (Senicoc),224 Hunting Ct,JonesIx>ro, GA 30236;43 Phillip {SeniOJ}, 10143Bunker Rd., Leesburg. FL 34786. Stewart B (Graduate},635BethSt., Waldron,. AR 7l903. Adcock Kelly Ounior), 243Carter Rd.• Rose Bud.AR 72137-9368 Addison Brandi Marie (Graduate), 113Bennett Dr" Carlisle,AR 72024. Adell Pamela MOunior),7211 RowerTuftCt.,Springfield, VA 22153-150;286. Agathakis James N (Freshman), 8325Banquo, Dallas, 1)( 75228; '17 Agee TrimM (JuniOJ), 218ScurlockCt.• Franklin,1N 3~7-<i10; ",302 Aherin Eric D (Frcshmilll), 1314 E. Center,.MOIlticello, fL 61856; '17, 3n Ryan (Senicoc), 1314E. CenterSt., Monticello. IL 61856-230; 43,217,280. Aifuwa Osaroo (Freshman). 95 BemardAve" Edisoo, NJ 03837;97, 298. Aitken Shane (Graduate), 120WhiteEag!eTmiI.. HotSprings,AR 71913. AlUru> Julie C {Sophotnore}. 810 MeadowSpringsCt.. Sherwood,AR 72120-595; 268. Albidone James FOunior}. 103Dacey Rd..SauitSte Marie,ON P6A5K9; 266. Alderson Reba {Graduate}, 12lOMainSt., Texarkan.1,TX 75501 Aldridge Jenna K{Sophomore}. 403 E, Westchester,Tempe,AZ 85283. \.esli{, A(Freshman), 14872CoronadoDr"Cboct.,W,OK 73020;'17,3(17. Alexander Ashley R{Sophomore},2301Maple Leaf Dr., Plano,TX ~311; 71, 219,301. OuistieLorraine (Staft). 27041irnbennist Dr., BentOll, AR 7'2!l15. OuistieLorraine (Graduate), HardingUniveISity,Searcy,AR 72149. Christina (Senior), 358CR3-13, MountainHome,AR 7l653; 'fI Garrett Dale (Senior), 358CR343. Mountain Home. AR 72653;63 Hannah (Senior), HUBox 12280, Searcy, AR 72149. Harold (Staff), 125CharlesThomas, Searcy; AR 72143; 145 Jeannie (Staff). 8358BazemoreRd., Cordova, 1N 38018; 145 Jene:ne Hart{Faeulty}, 125Cl1arles Thomas,Searcy,AR 72143. LynCurtis {Graduate}. P.0. Box691. De Witt,AR 72042 Matthew (Sophomore), 104tCypressPoint, I\.1ansfie!d, TX 7({l63;124,283. Tom (Staft),WCountryOubCir .• Searcy.AR 72143;145 Alford Lindsey (Junior), 10333NorthparkDr.•Weslrnin>ter,CO ~~~ichelle {Graduate}. 24{l1 LakeviewRd. JIBS, North littleRock,AR 72116. Allahverdian Sevahn (Sophomore), 1122Gloria Ct.. Sugarland, TX 71478; 283. Allen Aaron R(Freshman), 113NLucySt.,Searcy,AR 72143; '17. Adam (Junior), 47HardingDr.,Searcy;AR 72143-5704;71, M Amy (Senior), 620 Meadowcrest Dr.•Crowley, 1)( 76036 G.ad (Senior},2991Payton Rd., Atlanta, GA 30345 DanielCade (Freshman), 1318Old Clark Rd, Cedar Hill, TX 75104;251 David L(Fao>lty),206River Bend Dr.. Sea.n;y,AR 72143; 145. Dustin (Senior),516Owens Dr., Crowley, TX 76036. James Ralph (Faculty), 3MagnoliaCir.,Searcy,AR 72143; 145. Jennifer Ounior). POBox 62. Farmington. KY 42040; 124 Jessica L{Sop;-..omore}. 3472CahabaRiver Estates, Hoover. AL 35244; 124 Jooean (Senior). 1703Er.1arket,Searcy,AR 72143. John (Graduate), 9(Y, SWKrug, BentOllvil1e, AR 72n2 Jonathan P (Freshman), 416BroadbendCircle, G.e:sapeake, VA 23320;'17,287,:'(16 KcUyeB(Freshman),47HardingDr.,Searcy,AR 72143; '17, 3n Lindsey (Senior). l1SStandwickDr, Franklin. 1N 3~7. Mary (Graduate), 7Daniel,Sherwood,AR 72120. Mary Kathleen (Staff), 47Harding Dr., Searcy.AR 72143 Melissa Ounior). 2204 Power Dr, Bellevue, NE 6&XI5-212;63, 3U3. Michael {Senior}, 131SOldOarkRd.,Cedar Hill, TX 75104. MiltonLee (Staff), 297 Hwy13, McRae, AR 72102. Nidlolas Ryilll{Freshman}, 3868 Vallendar Dr., Memphis,IN 38135;312. RobertJoseph (Farulty), 10Cottonwood,Searcy, AR 72143. Scotty"Su"{Graduate}, 1205JessicaAve.•Berryville.AR 12616 Allison Ouistopher K(Sophomore), Klmilili, 50204;285. 2003 Football. J. Price (1), T. Polk (2), T. Daniels (3), A. Knighton (4), S. Collins (5), A. Towns (6), D. Thomas (7), J.J. Rogers (8), S. Dutile (9), A. Lybrand (10), R. Smith (11), N. Prosser (1 2), J. Bever (13), C. Nance (14), T. Hanson (15), F. langston (16), B. Davis (17), C. Rowan (18), A. Holden (19), T. DeSisso (20), M. Cole (21), L. Young (22), A. Mitchell (23), C. Bonner (24), D. Patton (25), H. Valls (26), B. Timmons (27), K. Wess (28), T. Watts (29), J. Dacus (30), J. Chambers (31 ), B. Bonner (32), K. Smith (33), A. Gatlin (34), I. Fieilo (37), B. Frank (38), D. Bozarth (39), S. Brown (40), J. Albidone (41 ), B. Green (42), J. Sisk (43), D. McCarty (44), A. Conn (49), J. Wilson (51), C. Mahone (52), N. Moreland (54), G. Taylor (55), K. Brennan (56), D. Saunders (58), P. King (59), M. Bates (63), A. Allen (67), E. Foy (70), J. Lehman (71), V. Powell (72), J. Stephenson (75), J. Beller (77), C. Evans (78), C. Fipps (79), J. laird (80), D. Feliciano (81), G. Yates (83), T. Brown (84), D. Calhoun (86), C. Wright (87), C. Hanvey (89), J. Currie (90), M. Mcjunkins (92), K. Farrell (93), J. Ellis (94), N. Hoffman (95), K. Wakwe (96), T. Baker (97), D. Jenkins (98), V. Shotwell (99).