2003-2004 Yearbook

Sophomore Brandon Shirey secures a Searcy child's harness for the rock-climbing wall at the Land O'Frost Carnival at the Carmichael Center Oct. 5. Royal Food and Entertainment, which was hired by Land O'Frost to put on the carnival, recruited Chi Sigma Alpha and Regina members to help run booths, games and rides for local fami– lies. (Photo by Russell Keck) Freshman Myriah Gilbert sings with the Shantih induction class Oct. 30 before the all-club devotional. Devoti9f1als were a common occurrence among clubs not just during Induction Week, but throughout the entire year. (Photo by Renee Lewis) Sophomores Sarah McKeever, Ashley Alexander, Amy Hahn and Sara Steelman play the cup game during free time at the Chi Omega Pi UYou Gotta Be You" spring 2003 retreat. During the retreat, club members encouraged each other by sharing stories of strug– gles in their lives and how they overcame them. (Photo courtesy of Ashley Alexander) spiritual life 1/ 219