2003-2004 Yearbook

II sail Junior Kendra Stegall hands her ticket to a ticket-taker before the Benson showing of "Finding Nema" Sept. 12. The Student Association Movie Committee, made up of about 12 students, chose movies based on student requests, entertainment value and availability. (Photo by Renee Lewis) Excited by the possibility of winning $200, sophomore Nakeia Monte buzzes in during the Student Activities Com– mittee-sponsored game show, "ThinkFast," Jan. 15 in the student center. Senior Robbie Thompson took home the cash during the trivia game. (Photo by Dustin Vyers) 206 II organizations 1, Senior Justin Bland and a Student Associa– tion volunteer rake and bag leaves during the SA-sponsored Rake and Run Nov. 8. For the annual service project students volunteered their time to help clear more than 50 lawns in Searcy. (Photo by Melissa Wilson) Mii