2003-2004 Yearbook

studentlife I n Mark 8:36, Jesus said, "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" Facultyand staffmembers aimed to focus smdents' lives around Christ. After all was said and done in life, established relationships with Christ were what really mattered. Smdent life activities ttied to reach inside smdents' lives and give them Christ-centered values. Through devotionals, Smdent Impact, international programs and reunions with £unily members, many smdents saw Christ. Through campaigns, smdents gave Christ to others. Junior Valerie Goodale said activities provided another oudet for Christian fellowship. "The activities at Harding allow for us, as Christians, to realize that we can have fun without worldly things having to be involved," Goodale said. "It is just one more way to fellowship with everyone." "Sara Gregersen "smdent life editor " •