2002-2003 Yearbook

Freshmen Erica Perkins and Megan Reynolds read an article they found using Quest, the Brackett Library's new online catalog. Quest gained the appreciation of several students because of its usefulness. "Most people are very positive [about Quest]," Ann Dixon, library director,said. ''They like the look and are more familiar with the searching because it is similar to Web searching." Quest provided access to information not available within the walls of the library. "Quest allows us to link to information out on the Internet through other databases," Dixon said. Many students liked the new system because they believed it was easier to use. "Quest is really easy to understand," graduate student Carl Williamson said. "You don't really need any help because it is similar to other sear~h engines." Although the new online resources made the Brackett Library more up to date and user friendly, librarians were still available to help students find the information they needed. ''The librarians are trained information professionals,"· Dixon said. "One of the roles of a librarian is to help students learn how toweed through informationandfindthemostvaluable [information)." The new library catalog also offered other features. "One of the nice things about it is the 'My Information' button," Dixon said. "By entering your Harding bar code number found on your student identification card, you can see a list of books that you have checked out, renew books online, see a record of any fines or fees, and if you have an interlibrary loan it will give you information on that." Students appreciated the new online catalog as a valuable resource tool that helped keep the Brackett Library a storehouse of information. (Photo by Lindsey Taliaferro) -Marina Shannon Nicole McAlexander-Keokuk, Iowa. Child and Family Sciences. Who's Who. Alpha Chi. Dean's List. Nu Delta Chapter of Kappa Omicron Nu, Inc. Campaigns (Switzerland). Mike McCain-Forrest City, Ark. Kinesiology Licensure. Luke McCameY-Orange, Texas. Nursing. Transfer (Abilene Christian University). Campaigns (Tennessee). NursingStudent Association. Dawn McCann-Iowa City, Iowa. Englishand FrenchLicensure. Alpha Chi. Sigma TauDelta. Scribblers. KappaDelta Pi. AmericanStudies. Rachel McCauleY-Eau Claire, Wis. English. Transfer (York College). Markus McClellan-conway, N.H. Computer Science.Transfer (GordonCollege). Steven McClendon-Gray, Ga. Psychology.TNT. Jill McCormick-lindale, Texas. General Science. GedankenSociety. SALT. Student Impact. Chi OmegaPi. Kelley McCrearY-Fresno, Calif. Athletic Training. Campaigns (Washington; Jamaica). Ju Go Ju. Hoilly McCulleY-Murfreesboro, Tenn. English. Dean's List. Kappa Delta Pi. SALT. JuGoJu. Bryan McDonald-Middleburg, Fla. MiddleLevel Math and Science. Club Beau. Intramurals. Alpha Tau Epsilon. Amy McKeever-Amarillo,Texas. Communication Disorders·Public School. Chi Omega Pi. seniors 63 1111111 .