2002-2003 Yearbook

exoerience t-uncuons "Functions are the I jOined'a--' club because they provide a chance to hang out with friends away from the school atmosphere." -Rebecca Myers, senior "Functionsarea great timetogettogetherwith other club members off campus. Besides all the food, it's fun to be able to see everyone to– gether in one big group." -Justin Shubert, sophomore Senior Matt Johnson takes a ride on a me– chanical bull at the White County Fairgrounds Dec. 6. Pi Kappa Epsilon held a western-themed fall function. (Photo courtesy of Deidre Hulvey) Junior Tessa Owen watches as her date, se– nior Mace Thomas, arm wrestles junior Jennifer Stacy at Tri Kappa's blind date function Oct. 12 at Berryhill Parle Members paired up and chose each other's dates before the function. (Photoby Renee Lewis) functions 227 1111111.