2002-2003 Yearbook

closer tee torpedo Aiming at the crowd of screaming fans, junior Shane Brockwell prepares to launch a t-shirt via the "Tee Torpedo" during the Homecoming football game Oct. 26. '" was at the Homecoming football game and , all of the sudden, I heard a sound 1had never heard before. I looked over and I saw I-shirts flying out of a strange contraption ," junior Jonathan Porter said. "One flew my way and I caught it, but one of my friends grabbed it out of my hands. I've been bitter about it ever since," (Photo by Renee Lewis) Senior Jimmie Douglass assumes the role of Prince Dauntless in "Once Upon A Mattress," the Homecoming musical. The musical, an adaptation of "The Princess and the Pea," was one of the highlights of Homecoming weekend . (Photo by Lindsey Taliaferro) • • 20 student life