Eachyear, facultymembersselected a group of jW1iors and seniors who excelled in many areas to be part of "Who's Who Among Stud ents in American Universities and Colleges." This year, 64 students who dis– played high academic and personal charac ter were published in the book, which has honored esteemed groups of American college students since 1934. Senior Brian Dolinger appreciated the prestige associated with theaward. " I was really honored to be picked for Who's Who," Dolinger said. "I know it is a prestigious award and I was thankful to be nominated . It will definitely be useful on reswnes and trying to find a job later." During the fall semester, profes– sors nominated students who they be– Heved stood above the rest inacadem– ics, community service and lead ership skills. Nominees then completed an activity sheet. Dr. Jerome Barnes, director of spe– cial projects, handled the nominations. After all nominations were submitted, faculty members selected their top choices based on the activity sheets, the student's grade point average and extracurricula racti vities for theWho's Who honor. Senior Cara Sheumaker said she appreciated the Who's Who award because it was not merely awarded on the basis of grades, but by professors who played an active role in the aca– demic lives of their students. "It's an honor to know that our professors recognize the hard work that we put into our classes," Sheumaker said. Senior Jordan Hix said he also ap– preciated his professors' role in his accomplishments. "I would like to honor some of my teachers ina similar way," Hix said. "They are the ones who have helped me along the way." More than 2,300 universities around the nation and a va riety of foreign countriesincludeoutstandingstudents in the publication each year. -Sara Rabon Jessica Kiefer·Webster-AlphaChi. Who's Who. Samuel KillaY-Alpha Chi. Alexia KinsleY-Alpha Chi. Adam Kirkland-Alpha Chi. Elizabeth Lambie-Alpha Chi. Zac Lambrecht-who'S Who. Amber Larson-Alpha Chi. Usa Lauterbach-Alpha Chi. Who's Who. Heather Law~nce-Alpha Chi. Bret LewiS-Alpha Chi. Joshua LewiS-Alpha Chi. Rick LOVe-Alpha Chi. Kristi Lowery-Alpha Chi. Elizabeth Loyd-Alpha Chi. Allison Marrow-who's Who. Jennifer Mashburn-Alpha Chi. Who's Who. Sara MathenY-AlphaChi. Who's Who. Rachel Maul-Alpha Chi. Melaina Mayberry-Alpha Chi. Who'sWho. • • 214 organizations Amy McKeever-who's Who. Sean McMaster-Alpha Chi. Eric McMullen-AlphaChi. Benjamin McReynolds-Alpha Chi. Lisa Metzer-Alpha Chi. SeniorTaylor Davis makes an announcement inthe Benson Auditorium during Student Impact Aug. 16. ln addition to being a member of Who's Who, Davis served as co-director for Student Impact 2002. (Photo by April Clem)