2002-2003 Yearbook

Ind This year, 76 students who ex– celled academically were inducted into Alpha Chi, the national intercol– legiate honor society. Alpha Chi was a nationally affili– ated society which encouraged su– perior scholarship. Arkansas Eta, Harding's Chapter, was open to the upper 10 percent of the senior class with a minimum 3.75 grade point average on 104 semester hours, and to th e upper 10 percent of the junior class with a minimum 3.85 grade point average on 80 semester hours. "The purpose 'of the society is to promote academic excellence," Dr. Dennis Organ, chairman of the En– glish department and executive di– rector of Alpha Chi, said. "There are many honors societies for specific majors, but Alph a Chi is unique be– cause it selects students from all aca– demic majors." This year, Drs. Ken Cameron, Gary Elliot, Arthur Shearin and Neale Pryor and Director of Residence Life Patty Barrett, faculty sponsors, in– ducted new members. Spon sors' du– ties included chapter activities and the induction process. Alpha Chi provided students the opportunity to attend regional and national scholarship competitions and conventions. This year, Alpha Chi students traveled to the national Alpha Chi convention in Washing– ton, D.C., March 13-15. As the national president, Organ was responsible for all of the activi– ties and memberships for more than 300 chapters at various colleges and universities. Alph a Chi chapters cor– responded with Organ to plan con– ventions, award s and banquets. Students honored w ith induction into Alpha Chi received an induc– tion pin and certificate. They also received an Alpha Chi newsletter. In addi tion, students were eligible for scholarships and fellowships made available to Alpha Chi members. -Kerri Dutile Kathryn Adams-Who's Who. Kristin Addison-Alpha Chi. Who's Who. Dulce Aguirre-Who's Who. Allison Alexander-who's Who. Hanna Anderson-Alpha Chi. Tim Avance-Alpha Chi. Endri Baduni-Alpha Chi. Elizabeth Baiocchi-Alpha Chi. Who's Who. Jeremy Beauchamp-Alpha Chi. Who's Who. • • 212 organizations Erik Birckholtz-Who's Who. Beth Bonbrisco-who's Who. Angela Boyd-Alpha Chi. Who's Who. Joseph Bresnahan-who's Who. Alicia Bright-Alpha Chi. Christy Brown-Who's Who. Jessica Campbell-Alpha Chi. Travis Carr-Alpha Chi. Who's Who. Ben Carrigan-who's Who. Kimberley Carver-Alpha Chi. Aerren Childers-Alpha Chi. Who's Who. Ashley Churchman-Alpha Chi. Rebecca Clausen-Alpha Chi. Kylie Cochran-Who'sWho. Brook Coffman-Alpha Chi. Junior Colin Neller lights a candle at the Alpha Chi induction ceremony Oct. 27. Alpha Chi held an induction ceremony each semester to honor students who displayed moral character and academic achievement. (Photo by Jeff Montgomery)