2002-2003 Yearbook

Retracing the Steps... Junior Donrica Burrows directs the members of Harmony in Shores chapel. Harmony, a branch of the Multi-Cultural Student Action Committee, traveled the state of Arkansas to deliver God's mes– sage in so ng . (Photo by Lindsey Taliaferro) Freshman Betsy Stratton buys a ticket to "The Sum of All Fears" at the Benson ticket window Jan. 18. The Student Association's Movie Committee spon- .~ sored around 12 on-campus movies each semester. (Photo by Melissa Wilson) stlA.olevvt fASSOc~Clt~ovv Kenny Starnatis, associate professor of education, talks with friends after church services in 1980. Stamatis was the Student Association president during the 1979-1980 school year. Former SA presidents made a habit of returning to Harding after graduation to serve on the faculty. President David Burks filled the role of SA president during the 1964- 1965 school year. Other faculty members who served as SA president include, Dr. Rod Brewer, professor of English, who was president in 1969- 1970 and Dr. Ross Cochran, associate professor of Bible, who was president during the 1978-1979 school year. The latest SA president to join the faculty was Rich Little, who served as assistant to the president and lectured in the College of Bible and Religion. Little was SA president during the 1992-1993 academic year. (Photo from 1980 Petit Jean) sa, sac, iss &multi-cultural student action committee 211 II .