2002-2003 Yearbook

imMiller, directorofstudent publications, and seniorJeremyBeauchamp, ditor-in-chief of The Bison, listen to H.L.-Hall, former journalism teacher at irkwood High School in Kirkwood, Mo., as he presents a lecture. The Bison nd Petit Jeanstaff members joined together for a retreat Aug. 13-15 at Petit ean State Park in Morrilton, Ark. to brainstorm ideas for the year. (Photo y Lindsey Taliaferro) ItH H Sophomore Tyler Kelley began his CAshoweachweekwith thephrase, 'The best radio station on television." Although the phrase seemed to e an oxymoron, the campus station, HCA, actually broadcasted, not hrough a radio tower, but through he campus television station, TV 16. Last year, the station began the rocess of submitting applications 0 become an official FM station in hite County. Since the uni versity received an ffer from a private donor to pay for he new facility and tower for th e ;tation, the communication depart– ent began the process of complet– ng applications to give KHCA FM ;tatus w ithin White County. The station's paperwork was sent to the Federal CommlU1icationsCom– mission to secure the first phase of the project, a construction permit. However, the application halted due to a pending lawsuit betvveen th e FCC and various religious orga– nizations th at did not agree with the newest system of PM licensure. The new system for choosing sta– tions came from a list of criteria. This list included local ownership and management. Because in recent years religious or– gafiUationsusedcompetingapplications to dominate certain markets, the new system utilized by the FCC endangered their control in certain areas of the US. a1 am excited about the possibility of having KHCA on the radio, but due to the lawsuit, the paper work is taking longer thanwe had expected," Dr. Dutch Hoggatt, associate profes– sor of communication and KHCA and TV 16 advisor, said. Althoughelectronicmediastudents were enthusiastic about the prospect of the new station, it promised to be a heavy undertaking for the KHCA staff. "Itwould bewonderful to have the station broadcasting from a tower, but the responsibilities for student radio personalities would triple," senior Rebecca Myers, stationmanager, said. Hoggatt said the move would mini– mize mistakes. aWhenthestationmovestothetower, manyofthesmalltechnicalmistakesthat Senior Rebecca Myers talks on KHCA radio, which aired on TV 16, the campus television station. The station continued to battle for FM status in White County this year. (Photo by Melissa Wilson) canbeexempt because it is on the televi– sion will not be allowed," Hoggatt said. aThe stationwillberesponsiblefor keep– ingmeterreadings, making sure that the station is manned at all times, technical logs, maintaining legal program logs, and top of the hour stations IDs." Hoggatt instructed the radio practicum course, which gave students onehourofairtimeeachweekonKHCA. "It gets people comfortable being on air," Hoggatt said. "Many people have never been on air and it gives them the opportunity tohave thatexperience. We don't have very many students pursu– ing radio asa career, but for mass comm majofS,itisagooci idea tosayyou'vehad that experience." ~EliZilbeth Stephens communication 209 1111111 .