2002-2003 Yearbook

ophomore Gretchen Winter reviews material for a future :Iebate at a debate team meeting Jan. 9. Winter, a first-year member 1 the team, competed at varsity leve1. (Photo by Melissa Wilson) Debate Tea The debate team began the season by winning a competition at Middle ennessee State University in urfreesboro, Tenn. Sept. 27-29. "It's always good to start out with ins," Dr. PatrickGarner, professor of communication and sponsorofthe de– bateteam,said. "Itmeansthatwehave strong teams. All of them are capable and do very, very well, and they will continue to improve." Junior Nathaniel Wiewora and sophomore Nathanael Melson placed second in speaking. Junior Amy Moffett placed third in the varsity speaking category. She also competed in extemporaneous speaking at the National Forensics Association com– petition in ApriL "I am excited about the new com– position of the teams and the new people," Moffett said. The other team members were sophomores Rebecca Bowling and GretchenWinter, senior KeKeyMoore and junior Allistair Kent. Winter com– peted at the varsity level as a first-year member of the team. "There are large differences be– tween novice and va rsity debating," Winter said . "But there are really neat things about both kinds and you have to adapt to them." The teams participated inparliamen– tary debates comprised of two debaters who were given new resolutions tode– bate in each round. The topics of the resolutions ranged from current events to social policy or philosophy. Each tearnhad15minutes toprepare a position and then seven minutes to argue that position. Assoon as the affir– mative team stopped speaking, the op– posing team began rebuttals and sup– ported their position with convincing argwnents. "[Parliamentary debate] is a style that many schools are moving toward," Janie Harris, candidate for White County clerk, talks to a student at the College Democrats' rally Oct. 24. The rally was organized to inform Harding students about the democratic party. (Photo by Renee Lewis) Garner said. "Smaller schools cannot afford expensive research tools such as Lexis-Nexis,asubscriptionthatprovides infonnation for the olderstyle ofdebate. Thisnewer style of debate levels out the playing field." Some of the schools the debate team competed against included Louisiana State University at Shreveport, Arkan– sas Tech and Arkansas StateUniversity. The teamalso competed against the UniversityofCalifomia atBerkleywhile attending the National Parliamentary DebateAssociation competition in Port– land, Ore. March 27-31. - $ara Rnbon political science 201 1111111 .