Retracing the Steps... tVteoteblitte telitV\It, Bob Chandler, 1981 graduate, strives to project his ideas using hand gestures. Chandler was a member of the Debate Team in 1979. The 1979 Debate Team, known officially as the Forensic Squad, obtained its first sweepstakes victory in poetry interpre– tation, persuasive speaking and extemporaneous speaking that year. The team also earned first place at the Arkansas Speech Communication Association Student Congress of Human Rela– tions in little Rock in events such as parliamentary procedure, floor debate and committee work. Dr. Pat Garner, professor of speech, has sponsored the debate team since 1978. (Photo from 1979 Petit Jean) Senior Justin Beller and State Senator John Paul Capps discuss the November election at the College Democrats' rally in the student center Oct. 24. The College Democrats brought to campus several democratic candidates from White County, Searcy and the state. (Photo by Renee Lewis) _ . 200 organizations Junior Mark Johnston grabs a piece of pizza at a College Republicans' party on the front lawn Oct. 22. Janet Huckabee, Arkansas' first lady, spoke at the event two weeks before she was defeated in the Secretary of State race Nov. 5. (Photo by Renee Lewis)