2002-2003 Yearbook

Senior Adam Crane-checks a trap for snakes in Gin crek~. Crane trapped snakes to track theirrJigration during the fall semester. (Phot0 by Russ Phillips) Dr. Nathan Mills, associate professor of biology, teaches an anatomy and physiology class. Mills returned this year after receiving his doctorate from the University of Maryland. (Photo by lindsey Taliaferro) Balancing two balloons, Dr. David Cole, chair of the physical science depart– ment, prepa'res the class for an explosion. Chemistry students often enjoyed demon– strations of concepts from textbooks. (Photo by lindsey Taliaferro) Senior Adam Crane aided Dr. Mike Plummer, professor of biology, in a replotted the movement of three Northern Water Snakes in Searcy's Gin Creek. Crane holds ~jUYenile snake in the lab. The snakes had t~ be fully grown in order for transmitterd to be surgically implanted. (Photo t;J'/ Rachel Miller) ,i;,,; Crane tracks tpe 0l'ement of s~akes. Each snake was tracked three times a ) week and ':J (Photo by Russ Phillips) biology &physical science 177 1111111 .