2001-2002 Yearbook

We've come to the end. Not only to the end of this yearbook, but the end of months spent working together on this finished product. As I write this, the staff still has a few weeks to go before all the loose ends are tied up, the pictures are taken and the captions are written, but I know that I only have a few Tuesday nights left to spend with this group of people I've come to know since August. I wish the rest of the student body could know how hard we've all worked to give you the best that we could. I know I speak for the rest of the staff when I say we're proud of this book. All the time we spent editing stories, cropping pictures, writing captions and designing layouts has paid off, and the end product is in your hands. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. Andrea, Ashlee, Ben, Chrissy, Curtis, Daniel, Emily, Jalaina, Laura and Renee-thank you so much for all that you gave. I will treasure this book, but more I will remember the birthday parties, "anonymous" notes of encouragement, screams at the printer, dart gun shots, quotes of the evening and delirious 3 a.m. laughter. Dustin-your creativity and expertise have been priceless. Thank you for providing artistic opinion and entertainment when you didn't have to be up here. Miss Judyyour help and presence up here is invaluable. Thank you! Jim-we'd have no one else to stay up with us, keep us sane and give us advice. I am so grateful for each one of you and the time I had to get to know you. I'm proud of our work and proud of the relationships we've built. Now our work here is done. ~ ·~ Giddyup. ~ ::l -----------------------------------------~ 316 editor's I comments j