Yearly events connect clubs with history ---Photo courtesy of Melinda Tucker Seniors David Chapman, Lee Rice, Michael Chaffin and Jason Baker serenade the women of Shores Hall during Chi Sigma Alpha's Christmas caroling. The Student Services office allowed the club to carol after curfew for the event. Tradition runs deep in the roots of social clubs, just as they do at Harding. Ring ceremonies, fountain dunking and singing a club song after meetings are all traditions that many clubs share. But clubs also participate in activities that stem from past years and are unique to them. At the beginning of the fall semester, students began attending mixers and visiting club members in anticipation of induction week. Many clubs have traditions that have survived years of pledging. Knights held a joust on the front lawn that drew attention from passersby and those participating in induction week. "The joust helps to solidify the bonds made during pledge week," said graduate student Seth Bullington. "I think it is great." Friday night of induction week, many on campus anticipated the "Seminole Stomp," an activity where members of Seminoles social club produced a well-choreographed march between the women's dormitories. "The stomp is a fun way for the girls involved in pledge week to celebrate the end of the week," said junior Kristen Pottberg. After club membership was solidified later in the semester, members participated in various club functions. Even though new function themes are planned every year, many functions also carried the weight of ''The {Seminole/ Stomp is a fun wag for thegirls involvedinpledge week to celebrate the end of the week.'' tradition. Since 1989, Chi Omega Pi has required members to bring a baked pie to their fall minor function. "It is great to see the girls put their kitchen abilities to work while at the same time having fun with the club name," senior Janet Day said. These traditions helped give each club its own special flavor. Social club traditions run as deep as Harding's traditions do, in meaning and in pride. - Kristen Pottberg, junior Senior Kenny Harris kicks the ball down the field for Chi Sigma Alpha in the Black and Blue Classic. The annual soccer tournament between Chi Sigma Alpha and King's Men has become a much anticipated tradition. Photo by Curtis Seright 238 social clubs